Live from Adepticon 2012!

We’re here on site with some shots of the 40k hall, the vendor area and more!
I shot a little video of the 40k side of things a few minutes ago. Fantasy and other Indy games are in other ball rooms, and the 40k Champ finals are in a room attached to this one.

The light was low and I was trying not to interfere with the set up, so i’m almost whispering about what was there. I took some still pics of the tables too. No time to edit those gotta get back down and help set up the hall!

See you again soon for more updates from Adepticon 2012

That’s a lot of pewter freebies!

If you are coming to the event, be sure to stop by the Spikey Bits table in the Vendor Hall!

You browse though THOUSANDS of bits, 50% OFF clearance items, cheap kits on sprue, and sealed product from Games Workshop and more.

Oh and just cause we like to give away stuff, We have FREE Spikey Bits T-shirts as well, while supplies last, for anyone that stops by and says hi.

I’ll also be playing in the Team Tournament with my Wrecking Crew buddies as we try to defend our Team Tournament title from last year, and in the Gladiator Tournament on Sunday as well.

I should have my phone on me tweeting my matches as they happen, so be sure to check that out over on our Twitter!/spikeybits

Check the recent images link on the left for those Bat Reps.

More soon! Adepticon 2012 set-up is underway! -MBG