Look For a Sneaky Preview From Games Workshop Tomorrow

chaos rumors new wal hor warhammer games workshopWe should look for a sneaky Games Workshop preview tomorrow for, yup, you guessed it, April Fool’s day!

If GW comes out of nowhere tomorrow with a cheeky preview video for something new, don’t be too surprised! Plus, there could even be a possible follow-up video on Sunday!

We Should Look For a Sneaky GW Preview Tomorrow

Let’s first look at the rumors from April Fool’s day last year that looked like Space Hulk.

First, late on March 31st, 2022, GW released a little teaser video on Twitter that looked a lot like Space Hulk (turned out to be Votann), and then the morning of April 1st, they released the Squat confirmation video.

Is Space Hulk Coming For Real Now?

When GW dropped the Leagues of Votann, many people thought Space Hulk at first, and then with the teaser video this year for 10th, people once again cried for Space Hulk. There’s a chance GW might still come out with the game and has been trying to throw us all off the scent.

Maybe they’ve been setting up the big reveal for an entire year now…

When you compare this to the Nids/Terminator trailer, it again looks like Space Hulk, perhaps the most important hint is what they said in the description:

Give this brutal hulk some space to deal with the xenos infestation!

This does give some credence to the Space Hulk rumors as they basically spell out Space Hulk, just a little disordered. Obviously, these turned out to be models for 10th edition, but that might not be everything. We’ve also heard rumors the game has been done for a long time and GW is just waiting for the right time to release, and this could be it!

space hulk lore space marinesWe had previously heard Space Hulk was coming in the summer of 2022, but that chatter was abruptly cut short with the 2022 April Fool’s day emergence of the Leagues of Votann.

However, with Games Workshop, there’s a chance they will come out of left field with a Space Hulk preview on April first!

There are still a lot of questions out there. Will Space Hulk actually make a return? Should we look for two previews this weekend? Will GW return to the old style of April Fool’s day videos, like the Lieutenant movie? Either way, keep your eyes peeled for a potential sneaky preview soon!

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Are you expecting them to do a little preview tomorrow? Would you like to see Space Hulk return?

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