GW Announces New 40k Movie: Primaris Lieutenant

Primaris Lieutenant movieThere’s been a rise of fan films for 40k lately, and now it’s time for GW to make their own- Primaris Lieutenant: The Movie!

Warhammer Community posted the news this morning. There’s a new film in production and it’s about everyone’s favorite unnamed hero, a Primaris Lieutenant. Check out all the details below.

GW Announces New Warhammer Movie: Primaris Lieutenant

From visionary director Alf Arius (The Serpent’s Kiss) and featuring an all-star cast of cinema giants, Primaris Lieutenant: The Movie tells the story of one Space Marine’s struggle to become the hero that he knew he could be.

Through thick and thin, the sturdy Primaris Lieutenant leads forces in the Imperium against all odds and even stole Abaddon’s spotlight for his new miniature release. Truly a servant of the Emperor’s will!

Alf Arius is also a huge deal, He is easily one of our top 10 favorite characters, and is a world-renowned director. In fact, he is kind of renowned in everything, after all, he could be any of us… HERESY!

Primaris LieutenantHopefully, by now you’ve realized this is following the tradition of an April Fools joke with extra work put into it. In actuality, Warhammer Community did mention we will get some news tomorrow April 2nd, 2021 about more upcoming (and real) Warhammer animations.

Will the Lieutenant save the Imperium? Find a missing Primarch? Where did Alf Arius go?

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