Looted Guard! Retro Ork 40k Army Collection

looted guard walThe best armies are the ones that you can use two different sets of rules with! Take a look back at Rob’s looted 40k Guard army collection.

We’re blowing the dust off another one of Rob’s old 40k collections and this time we’re looking at Guard and Orks mashed together. The best armies to play in 4ok are the ones that you can use two different rule sets for. This army is so converted, you could play these as Guard or Orks. It just depends on how you’re feeling!

Keep in mind that these pics were taken back from 2011. Our picture taking methods/technology has gotten a lot better since then. 

Looted Guard! Rob’s Old Ork Collection Showcase

looted guard 1Starting off, we’ve got this entire army painted in a highly-weathered blue with plenty of vehicles to go around. In true fashion, the Guard would never leave their house without a full-strength armor column behind them and we know how much Orks love to throw scrap together.

looted guard 2Jumping into some of the converted vehicles, these Trukks are converted into Orky Hydras from the Imperial Guard. Dozer Blades are just for added cosmetic effect.

looted guard 3Old Chimera hulls were retrofitted to throw some dakka downrange by missile pod as well. Take a look at the amount of weathering that’s gone into each model here.

looted guard 4Looking at one of the coolest Tanks in the entire army, a Leman Russ with some Warpy green laser cannon hit the field. Can you spot the different kits used to pull this conversion off?

looted guard 5If you saw this army from far off, you might even think this was just some blue-painted Guard. At least until you see a few Nobz pop their head out of the hatch.

looted guard 6


looted guard 7Ever heard of the saying “old but gold”? This army was turning heads back in its day and can still serve as some great inspiration material for your next conversion!

What’s your favorite conversion out of the army? Are Orks the easiest army to convert models with?

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