Machines of Rot: Nurgle Conversion Corner

Nurgle Conversion

The Death Guard is one of those chaos chapters that have many different types of Daemon Engine, as they mutate out of control!

Come see one amazing mini brought to us by Kyle Groves of Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.

The ultimate in conversion technology, made from bits of crap and some vehicle parts!

Nurgle Conversion

The Death Guard’s weaponry can be somewhat intimidating if you have never seen it before.

Nurgle Conversion

Most of them are on tracks of hover, but there is the occasional one that crawls.

Nurgle Conversion

Funnily enough, this guys name has Crawler right in the title.

Nurgle Conversion

“We’re going to cover you in goo!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!