Daemon Magnus’ True Scale & Alt. Heads REVEALED

By Rob Baer | January 8th, 2020 | Categories: Chaos Space Marines, GW Open Day, Warhammer 40k News

magnus-horz (1)

Come see even more sweet pictures of the new plastic Magnus Daemon Primarch model’s alternate bits options!

These pictures were posted by A. Joesbury in Spikey Bits Hobbies (FB Group) in which you can see some dope alternate options for “big red”.

magnus-alternate weapons

Two alternate heads are show here, one with a missing eye, and one with just a singular eye in the middle; a true cyclops! His alternate blade is also visible.

magnus-alternate weapons

Here’s a better scaled picture with Ahriman next to him as well!


Compare these to the sprue pictures from below where you can see some of these alternate bits on sprue now that we know what we’re looking for.


Source Drake Seta 

We knew he was coming, and according to rumors he took over 300 hours to paint. Behold the sprues to the red giant, Magnus!


(Pictures enhanced by BoLS)

magnus-sprue-01Legs & Accessories
Wings, Armor & Staffmagnus-sprue-03magnus-sprue-04Closeupsmagnus-sprue-05magnus-sprue-07Blade Tabard, terrain, weapon & hair (Space Wolves Ferrus Pattern Dreadnought Arm)magnus-sprue-06Head

Question is now, how much will he cost? Get your ready to summon your wallet to the register soon!


Warhammer 40k Open

All as planned!

Magnus The Red Roundup:

All as planned! Get a look at these close-ups of the Daemon Primarch Magnus, and his little doppelganger:


daemon primarch magnus plastic

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Who’s a big boi? Smaller prototype version, or something else…?

The new model is checking in with an impressive wingspan for sure, and styling that has really never been seen before on this scale.

And of course GW’s big reveal confirms the model on the right IS the plastic Magnus that will be releasing… soon?

Daemon Magnus Primarch Model the red plastic leak pictures

Don’t miss one second of this weekend’s 40k Open coverage below:


Warhammer 40k Open