Making This Space Marine a Primaris Just Wouldn’t Make Sense…

soulbound space marine wal horThere is one Space Marine that just wouldn’t make sense to update over to a Primaris version, but he is probably the minority for the whole range.

Psychic Awakening: Blood of Baal is bringing in new rules for the Blood Angels (which is basically on par with other Space Marine Supplements). But it’s also bringing a new Primaris model as well. Mephiston drew the lucky straw and was first in line out of all the Blood Angels characters to get an update.

There are actually a bunch of models that are due for a rework out of the faction, but looking at one of the characters that had a decent amount of fans pushing for a new model, sadly, the Sanguinor probably won’t ever be Primaris.

It Wouldn’t Make Sense Lore-Wise

sanguinor lore

While Primaris scale looks great, if you know the lore behind the Sanguinor, he probably won’t ever be one. The Sanguinor just kind of “shows up” whenever the Blood Angels are about to get their jaw rocked and he comes in and does all he can to see the Chapter survive extinction (or grave losses at the very least). With that said, some Blood Angels regard him as a Warp entity formed out of the soul of Sanguinius. Others believe he is Alatron, a Sanguinary Guard from times of the Horus Heresy.

sanguinor lore

If this is true, he’s got quite a few years on him and may be past the prime of survivability of what it takes to become Primaris. (Good thing he’s got plot armor right?) In either case, if he is a spirit, or at least something similar to St. Celestine or the Legion of the Damned, we probably won’t see him become Primaris- at least for a long time.

Primaris technology wasn’t existent at the time of Sanguinius’ death and for someone to actually keep the Sanguinor around outside of immense bloodshed and lead him back to the Rubicon Primaris sounds next to impossible.

With the character shrouded in mystery and various origin stories, we won’t say that it can’t ever happen. However, aside from the short Horus Heresy event where a Sanguinary Guard had Sanguinius’ face mask melted onto his own face, almost all of the Imperium regard him as either pure myth or a psychic manifestation.

What do you think about the Sanguinor getting a new model? Would you like to see a reworked normal Marine figure? Who do you think the Sanguinor really is? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!