GW’s New Primaris Birthday Marine Came to Party!

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The new Birthday Battle Brother is here and will be crashing parties with presents at GW stores across the world during their anniversary celebrations.

Games Workshop just announced the new Primaris Space Marine Captain that will be available at Games Workshop stores across the globe for anniversary celebrations. But that’s not all, there’s also some other great products that’s coming along side of the new marine. Let’s take a look.

Over the next year, Warhammer and Games Workshop store anniversaries will have a very special guest.

This Primaris Space Marine Captain will be available to pick up or order at store anniversaries from this July.

GW Birthday Primaris Cap Ltd

Clad in the new Mk X armour and wielding the classic power fist and plasma pistol combo, this guy will look right at home next to your new Dark Imperium Primaris Space Marines. As there is no Chapter-specific iconography on the miniature, you can very easily use this guy in a range of Space Marines forces. Using him in your games is easy too, as full rules are included with the model.


This captain will be available the world over, wherever there’s a Warhammer or Games Workshop store, and because these will be available for a whole year, everyone will have a chance to get their hands on one.

He’s not the only special product available at your local store anniversary though.

Also exclusive to those weekends will be a painting mat, brush wallet, ‘Eavy Metal Dice (literally) and a Warhammer 40,000 Artbook.

GW Birthday Emp Prot Paintmat GW Birthday Emp Prot Brush GW Birthday Eavy Met Dice GW Birthday Emp Prot Book

The newest Primaris Marine was first spotted on Facebook, and looks to be currently only available at GW Stores:


This model will be available exclusively at our store Anniversary on 8th July.

You can buy him separately, or get him free if you spend £150 or more.

Games Workshop is stepping up their swag game, and giving everyone a great reason to celebrate the opening/anniversary of their local GW stores! Make sure you check in with your local GW and see when their next anniversary is to ensure you get your fair chance at these great new exclusive products.

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