Mastodon Heavy Assault Transport: Unboxing & Size

FOrge-WOrld-mastadon-unboxingWith the new edition of Horus Heresy here, we are taking a look back at our unboxing of the massive Mastodon Heavy Assault Transport!

This has actually been out for a few years now, but if you’re looking to get into HH, this thing is super awesome! We’re also going to take a look at the size because this thing is a CHONK! Oh, yea, it can carry 40 troops and even dreads, so if you are looking for a giant transport, this could be perfect but is quite pricey as it comes from Forge World

Mastodon Heavy Assault Transport: Unboxing & Build

Mastadon Unboxing 2Forge World rolled out the largest chunk of Tank resin you had ever seen at the time in a tank. The Mastodon is a massive tank!

Unboxing the Mastadon From Forge World

mastodon unboxingThere’s the Fellblade out there sure, but it’s not nearly as big as the Mastodon. This is an amazing piece of miniature engineering. If you’re planning to buy the Fellblade, you may want to spend a little more and spring for this collectible! Imagine how amazing this would look sitting on a shelf painted up with some troops around it!


Mastadon Unboxing 3Man, there are a ton of parts on this thing and while the directions are good, there is a lot to put together and all the separate weapon assemblies are insane.

Mastadon Unboxing 4Luckily, they also have all the specific directions and even where to glue.

Mastadon Unboxing 5The guns right here are no glue, which means you can future-proof them. This should be easy to build, in only 42 steps!

All the Bits


Forge World spared no expense when it comes to detail on this one. The treads look incredible! All the small nubs, cuts, and undercuts on the side add so much detail. Plus, this is just a side of it, and obviously, it’s massive!


The inside of the tank is also highly detailed! All the lockers and ladders leading up to the crew department look phenomenal.



Mastadon Unboxing 6


Mastadon Unboxing 7All of the gun barrels, hatches, and crew bits are extremely detailed. There appear to be no miscasts anywhere in this kit and they add a lot to the model.


The bulkheads are similar to those we have already seen on the Titans but more refined with sweet computer technology. Let’s just hope they all go together well! With the technology on these though, they seem to all be sized correctly and nothing looks too out of place, just a lot of bits to glue together!

Mastadon Unboxing 8This is the front piece where the melta array goes. One nice thing is all the pieces seem to slot together quite well up to this point. That’s it for this unboxing, and we’ll have another video where Rob actually builds it! Check out for that soon!

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Have you thought about picking one of these Mastadon tanks up for Horus Heresy? 

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