Mini Wolf Armiger Conversion Kit From Iron Wolf Minis

Mini Wolf Conversion KitLooking for a great way to add some custom allies to your army? Check out this awesome wolf Armiger conversion kit from the battle masters at Iron Wolf Minis.

Add some customization to your next Knight project with some of the amazing bits that Iron Wolf Minis has to offer. This is only the tip of the iceberg of all the amazing stuff they have! Check out more of their kits here.  Let’s take a look at their Mini Wolf Kit for your next Armiger.

Mini Wolf Conversion Kit – Frost Spear Gun: $34.00

Mini Wolf Conversion Kit


Mini Wolf Conversion Kit


Mini Wolf Conversion KitResin cast Mini Wolf Conversion Kit – Frost Spear Gun

This kit includes:

– 1x Mini Wolf Head & Cowl
– 1x Mini Wolf Shoulder Pad (marks)
– One Mini Wolf Shoulder Pad (plain)
– 1x Mini Wolf Feet & Shin Guards
– 1x Mini Wolf Frost Spear Gun

This kit is sold at a discount to buying all parts individually.

These accessory components are compatible ONLY with Armiger class Knights. Please view the other listing for parts related to full-sized knights.
These pieces replace the stock head and cowl, shoulder pads, ranged weapon, and feet, and shin guards.

Add some drops of dish soap to a cup of warm water and stir. Place the component(s) into the soapy water and leave to soak for 5-10 minutes, then thoroughly scrub each piece with an OLD toothbrush. Rinse component(s) thoroughly and allow it to dry.

Each component will fit exactly where its stock counterpart should go on the model. Note that the shoulder pads are interchangeable (they can be used on either side of the model). The frost spear gun may also be used on either side of the model.

Deploy your army as a pack. Make sure you visit Iron Wolf minis and see what else they have to offer your army today!

Mini Wolf Armiger Conversion Kit – Frost Spear Gun: $34.00