Showcase Your Miniatures In Style With Hero-Stand Display Plinths

Hero-Stand Display Plinths Upgrade your miniature presentation game with this new Kickstarter that offers detailed and customizable hero-stand display plinths!
This is a perfect Kickstarter to help you show off that one miniature that you’re extra proud of. You can get your own customizable plinths in several different themes so that you can make the perfect small backdrop for any mini you can think of!

Present Your Minis In Style With The Hero-Stand Display Plinths Kickstarter!

Hero-Stand Display Plinths

Saucermen Studios has created a brand new Kickstarter project to dish out a massive collection of modular displays to show off those new minis!

Hero-Stand Display Plinths are customisable monuments designed to showcase your prized miniatures in all their glory. They are 3D printable and modular, enabling you to create captivating displays tailored to your needs.

Hero-Stand Display Plinths


With the different options available, you can get hundreds of different plinth combinations with just the stuff that comes with the core set.

Hero-Stand Display Plinth Core Set: $60AUD (Around $40)

Hero-Stand Display Plinths core set

With over 100 different STLs available with just the Core Set, there is way too much to cover here. Plinths and platforms of all different kinds and themes that you can check out on the Kickstarter page.

Stretch Goals

Stretch Goals Stretch Goals 1 Stretch Goals 2 Stretch Goals 3 Stretch Goals 4 Stretch Goals 5 Stretch Goals 6 Stretch Goals 6 Stretch Goals 7 Stretch Goals 8 Stretch Goals 9 Stretch Goals 10

These are all of the stretch goals that they’ve hit so far, but they have plenty more to check out. They’ve got tiers all the way up to $34,000, and there are almost three weeks left in the funding process. They’ve been fully funded already, so all of this extra funding is just icing on the cake!

And for those of you who are interested, you can even print out these bad boys in resin!

Yes, you can print the Hero-Stand Modular Display Plinths terrain in resin and they look incredible! Whilst we have optimised and tested on FDM printers, it is possible to print the set on a resin printer! Files are provided without supports and is dependent on your printer size. See examples of our display plinths printed in resin above and below.

If you’ve been looking for a way to help those prized models stand out from the rest of those standard displays, be sure to pick up the Hero-Stand Display Miniature Plinths.

Click Here For Your Hero-Stand Display Plinths Kickstarter!