More 40k Chapter Approved 2018 Points & NERFs

By Rob Baer | November 18th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

hor of space marine and chaos

More NERFs and points changes are here, don’t miss this! Looks like Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved will be super spicy after all with these new changes!

We’ve been seeing rumors and speculation pop up about Chapter Approved 2018, and what the book might truly contain. Let’s take a look at what was spotted earlier first to bring you up to speed.

Here’s the latest rumor roundup along with new images that seem to be coming from the book itself:

Earlier Rumors on Chapter Approved 2018

RUMORS: Chapter Approved 2018 Points Changes & More

Armies Getting Points Drops

There’s a list that was gathered on some armies that are more or less “confirmed” getting a points drop. The factions mentioned were:

  • Necrons
  • Ad Mech
  • Tyranids

This list isn’t by any means complete. Just the ones whose names were dropped. If this is true, Necrons and Ad Mech players would most definitely welcome this with open arms. Necrons are probably the most-shafted army (next to Grey Knights) post-codex. They only have a couple of viable units that can be used competitively. Regardless, those units are VERY good. *Glares at Destroyers and Tesseract Vaults.*

necron army

Tyranids are for the most part, in a very good position. The rumor actually says that only the bad/unused stuff is going to get a points drop. We aren’t sure what those units will be but close your eyes and imagine a competitive Tyranid list. It’ll probably include all the units that you didn’t just see in your head.

Some Units Going Up in Price

knight castellan Does The Knight Really Need a FAQ? Deep Thoughts

Castellan, other things that weren’t nerfed in the FAQ (because CA was already in the printers with their nerf)

Yep…That’s right. The Castellan’s name was dropped for taking a hit right to the points in the new Chapter Approved book. Who knows how expensive it’ll be. But that’s not the only thing going up in cost. The Castellan is the only unit that got named to us, but it’s probably safe to say there’s no way that would be the ONLY thing in the game taking the hit in this scenario.

Apparently, the Chapter Approved book was already in the printers with the FAQ changes in them before the FAQ even dropped. We could guess that the points will be changing on units that didn’t get directly hit in GW’s most recent update to the game.

While there is no way to be sure what FAQ changes were planned for in the printing of Chapter Approved 2018, it would seem logical that some of the things in the FAQ that don’t make sense to players now, may be much clearer in December when the books hits.

Rules Change for Some Subfactions

Eldar Psyker

Chapter Approved will mostly be about points changes, but to throw in even more rumors and speculation, armies that have a -1 to hit effect will be getting changed. Factions like Alaitoc Eldar and Raven Guard that are -1 to hit, may now be changed to being counted as in cover.

That is a HUGE change. We all know that -1 to hit is ridiculously more powerful than just having a +1 modifier on saving throws.

Latest Rumors Spotted for Chapter Approved 2018

Coming from a private Facebook post spotted on B&C, it looks like someone might have some inside knowledge on Chapter Approved. Remember to take everything with a grain of salt. These are still only rumors. 

chapter approved 2018 rumors

There’s a lot of info in a small amount of space so let’s break everything down into chunks.

Named Characters Changing Costs

  • Named Characters are supposed to all be getting cheaper.
  • Kaldor Draigo will cost under 200pts.
  • Castellan Crowe for Grey Knights will only be 80pts.
  • Trajann for the Custodes is going down by 75pts.
  • Eldrad will cost 15pts less.

Other Point Changes in the Works

  • Tau Commander Farsight will cost 125pts.
  • Land Speeders will only be 50pts.
  • Tau Crisis Suits will cost just over 30pts.
  • Chaos Cultists will cost 5pts.
  • Eldar Shining Spears will go up 3pts a piece.
  • A Necron Super Heavy will cost 60/70pts more. (Not sure which one.)

Space Marines Getting some Love

  • Deathwatch and almost all other Space Marines are getting 5-10% point reduction
  • Intercessors dropped a few points (exact amount unknown)
  • Warden Custodes and Terminators dropped in points as well. (Again, by an unknown amount.)

Side Notes

  • No changes on Abaddon
  • Almost no changes on Imperial Knights. Some minor changes for bigger ones (hopefully the Castellan).
  • Chapter Approved 2018 will drop around December 15, 2018.
  • Sisters of Battle Codex scheduled around October/November 2019.

New Points Changes & NERFs:

New pictures were spotted over on B&C that is giving new hope to Space Marine players struggling to make that army work in 8th Edition.

Assuming these pictures are true (as the forum post seems to indicate) then these costs are coming down 40 points on the top two and a whopping 60 points on the redeemer!


Also spotted were some Tau point and rules changes that the OP of this thread has labeled “fake”, and if you a Tau player you can probably figure out real quick why:

Ouch, that would hurt if it turns out to be true, but again these have been labeled FAKE!

labeled FAKE!

labeled FAKE!

labeled FAKE!

So there it is, the biggest roundup on everything Chapter Approved 2018!

We’ve broken down all of the information into some categories to help you digest it all.

If these rumors are true, are you happy with the points changes? Is there another unit you wish they would touch on? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.