More 40k Homebrew Army Lists That Crushed It This Week

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Want some more inspiration for your next Warhammer game?  Check out these 40k homebrew army lists that crushed it out last week at tournaments.

Looking at some of the most recent tournaments for 40k, these players brought some units that not too many others have even considered. Check out what they brought to bear against the other tried and true meta bruisers.

Remember some of these are only going to get better with all the new Space Marine rules that are on the way!

TSHFT: Ultramarines- Jason Rider

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This list dumped all of its points in heavy-hitting Marines. A Vanguard Detachment was filled out with an Apothecary, Ancient, and brutal melee squads of Vanguard Vets with all of the power weapons/storm shields. This Detachment was turned into the Victrix Guard from Vigilus for some melee beatdown and out-of-sequence fighting.

For the next Vanguard, Tiggy led some Company Vets on Bikes with Storm Shields and bolters. These guys are fast and durable and were in charge of intercepting key targets and nabbing objectives. To make everything in the list better, the player applied some Robbie G rerolls and made every swing/shot count.

Board Room Brawl: Renegade Knights- Dayton Obre

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This list actually managed to place 2nd overall! Starting off, this list ran a Super Heavy detachment fleshed out with the dreaded double Gatler Knight and two Autocannon War Dogs. This is essentially the equivalent to the Loyalist Freeblade Crusader and two Armiger Helverins.

Next, Ahriman and a plain ol’ Sorcerer led two squads of Rubric Marines and a massive screen-tearing blob of Tzaangors. The Rubrics are mainly there for some durable targets and objective holding. Meanwhile, the Tzaangors are fantastic at clearing off Guard from around a Castellan. And finally, the man, the myth, the wrecking ball himself, Mortarion graced the field to do what he always does best-crap all over the Imperium.

Slaughterfest: Space Wolves- Ryan Fredin

Space Wolves


Space Wolves brought out the heavy weaponry in this list with a Falchion Super Heavy Tank Destroyer! Before we jump into the Knight killer, let’s check out the Infantry support from the list. A total of five Space Wolves characters led a company of Blood Claws and Grey Hunters in a Battalion.

These guys’ main job was to screen for the tank and step-foot on any objectives that might be closeby. Now for the main showstopper, the Falchion. This thing ate up over half of the list’s points. However, this T9 monstrosity was able to unleash 2D6 S16 AP-5 shots doing 2D6 damage a pop at the enemy. There’s no easy way around this thing. If it looks at you, you’re probably going to get toasted.

While the battle raged on and enemy characters stepped out from cover, the Eliminator squads in the back of the map punished them with some head-popping firepower. This list didn’t have a whole lot of points left over after the Falchion made it onto the field. However, Ryan made every last one count. He still had plenty of CP and bodies to do the job.

With these three lists covered, which one was your favorite? What does your homebrew list look like? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!

About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshotJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018


About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.