More Chapter Approved Previews For Ork Looted Vehicles

By Wesley Floyd | October 31st, 2018 | Categories: Orks, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Even more looted Ork Wagons and Trukk previews are popping as the November White Dwarf previews for Chapter Approved are here. Check out the latest.

Reddit had some insight on what’s coming for next year’s Chapter Approved. It looks like all the Orks will be getting content in October, November and now December!

Games Workshop also dropped a preview about looted vehicles coming earlier, but Reddit actually had an inside look at the magazine to come.

More Chapter Approved Previews For Ork Looted Vehicles

looted tank

Just as last year’s Chapter Approved featured rules for customising your very own Land Raiders, this year’s edition contains rules and guidelines for fielding pretty much any kind of Looted Wagon you can dream up for open play.

Looted Vehicles Spotted in White Dwarf

looted wagon

Take a look at the pic! Looted vehicles are back, baby!  The Orks got their mitts on a Leman Russ and made it better. Mankind doesn’t know how to do dakka quite like the Orks do.

looted wagon textThis isn’t the first time we’ve seen vehicles getting the spotlight in Chapter Approved. Check out last year’s book and what it had to offer, but be aware these types of rules tend to not be for competitive play:

These are only playable in Open Play, they cannot be used in match play. With that being said, Power Levels are the only thing you’ll need to worry about, there is no point values for any of these.

More Images Appear in White Dwarf for Looted Vehicles

Originally spotted on Imgur, Orks will be getting three “looted” vehicle types in Chapter Approved 2018.

imgur looted tanks 1

Looting vehicles should come from individual inspiration. Should the Ork hobbyist should be able to decide what chassis he wants to use for his Orkified masterpiece? In Chapter Approved, it looks like Orks will have three choices for looting things:

  • Looted Kart (A transport-type vehicle)
  • Looted Wagon (Leman Russ or Predator)
  • Looted Battle Fortress (Bandeblade-sized tank)

This is exciting news but there are still some unanswered questions. Are these the only three choices Ork players have to loot things or are they only suggestions? Will these be for both Open and Matched play?

The White Dwarf also showed a conversion for a Kustom Grot flame tank and Sail Buggy.

imgur looted tanks 2

Games Workshop looks like it’s trying to promote hobby-uniqueness once more. (Just make sure everything is 100% GW right?)

Would You Like to See a Build-Your-Own VDR?

ork looted Repulsor

Looted Ork Repressor by Hobby Maniac Darin Brown

Instead of making insanely Kustomized looted vehicles just as proxies for base-Ork units, wouldn’t you like to be able to have a unique set of rules for your personal creation? Something like Build-a-Bear…except it’s for a plastic crack conversion.

A user on Disqus commented in reference to these rumors:

If you are playing narrative you are doing this already. How about a reworked VDR system rather than drips and drabs.
Its as simple as list of vehicle chassis to get your starts W T sv etc then providing a list of weapons priced to go with the BS value of the crew.
My group plays a lot of narrative games so we see iron warriors basilisks, a space wolf army that uses a leman russ tank with the space wolves keyword and some old VDR vehicles that still see service. and we’d like to see a system for open play that would give us more accurate updated points costs.

Looted Wagon


They might be onto something. If GW came out with a book dedicated to looted things, there could be charts for picking out a chassis and its basic stats. I.e Toughness, Wounds, and Saves.

It could then break down into what kind of guns are allowed on whichever chassis you choose etc. It sounds like it would start a fire and get people excited in the hobby community once again, but this is all just wishful thinking.

The Original VDR that Started it All

Take a look at the original rules set from the early 2000’s that started the VDR craze!

What do you think about the three looted vehicle choices spotted in the November White Dwarf? Will these be suggestions or the only three things we have to choose from? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.