More Evidence of Space Wolves & Orks in Saga of the Beast SPOTTED

space wolves walpaper wulfen horSaga of the Beast is the next expansion into Psychic Awakening. With that said, we’ve got even more evidence Space Wolves and Orks are on the way.

Following the usual GW style of hyping up their next release, Warhammer Community has already started dropping short stories riddled with clues potentially about the next book in the Psychic Awakening Series.

Pulling from the two most recent short stories at the time of writing this, there seems to be direct evidence of Space Wolves and Orks coming in Saga of the Beast.

More Evidence of Space Wolves in Saga of the Beast

bjorn fell handed space wolvesIn this recent short story from Warhammer Community, a Chapter known as the Obsidian Jaguars were stuck defending their chapter monastery with some wargear gifted to them by the Space Wolves.

 the Chapter’s prized relic Arcus Strike Tank, was also silent. Awakening the millennia-old vehicle was already an act of grim desperation, the thought of its potential loss was almost too much to bear. It had been a gift from the Space Wolves after the two Chapters had fought side by side against the Heretic Astartes on Bennghil VII.


On that note, it’s important to note that the Obsidian Jaguars have fought closely alongside the Space Wolves in the past…

What I would do for but a score of Wolves to fight with us this day, Meznan thought. He had never seen such potent savagery, such deadly warrior skill nor such battle fury than that of the Space Wolves. Their Chapters’ combined strengths could surely turn the tide, were they here.

On that note, Obsidian Jaguars could easily be a named Successor Chapter of the Space Wolves. It’s not uncommon for Chapters to “gift” relic-type items to others as we’ve seen this in the lore with the Blood Angels and Flesh Tearers (with the Flesh Tearers only being able to bring the Archangel’s shard as a relic before their Blood of Baal support). In either case, it’s clear that the Chapter fighting the Orks here is clearly NOT the mother Space Wolves Chapter.

Rounding it up, there’s a Chapter with close ties to the Space Wolves defending basically thier home from a massive Waaagh! of Orks. The key highlights here are that both factions were mentioned, although Orks have a steady, aggressive presence in the story.

New Picture of Ghazghkull & Orks Confirmed in Saga of the Beast

Ghazghkull Mag Uruk ThrakaIn another short story from Warhammer Community, the spotlight was shown on the Orks even more.

We recommend reading through the story yourself. But essentially, there’s a Waaagh! going on that’s being compared to the two biggest past Waaaghs! in the Imperium’s history. These Waaaghs! were led by Beasts (mega-huge Orks) and were responsible for pulling together an absurd amount of Orks and commanding them under one cause. In the story, there’s talk as to who it could be that’s leading such a campaign:

Who’s in charge of all of these Orks then? Surely it can’t be just one Warboss teleporting around to all of these different war zones, can it? Orks don’t have that technology! Maybe it’s a lot of different Orks, all pretending to be the next “Beast”, and a lot of names are being mentioned in relation to these stunt doubles – Wazdakka Gutsmek, Nazdreg Ug Urdgrub, Urgok the Unstoppable, the Arch-arsonist of Charadon and many more besides.

Ghazghkull Promoted to “Beast” Status?

ghazghkull teaserBut none of these Orks is kunnin’ enough to put together a Waaagh! of this size. The only thing for certain is that whenever this Beast has been spotted, he’s not been alone – he’s always accompanied by a Grot banner waver…

With Makari (the Grot in the pic above) being previewed, we already know that Ghazghkull is closeby. For those of you who don’t know Makari used to be his trusty assistant…until he disappeared( or got Squatted depending on who you ask)…But it looks like he’s back! And check out that massive blurred-out model standing behind him. It matches up with the earlier previews of Makar and Ghazghkull!

Ghazghkull Thraka

Is that a 60mm base that the blurred out model is on, or something bigger?? I guess at this point its all a matter of perspective and of course, knowing if Makari is on a 32mm or 25mm base as well.

saga of the beast psychic awakening

You can find out exactly what the Orks are up to as Saga of the Beast, the next chapter of Psychic Awakening, is released soon

A New Model for Ghazghkull Thraka!

Most likely releasing with the Saga of the Beast Supplement in March, Ghazhkull Thraka and his sidekick the luckiest grot ever, Makari are getting a new model each.

Whoa, right? Let’s run it all down real quick.

You may remember the little guy from Ghaz’s first model in the late 80s:

Makari (left) and Ghaz

New and improved Makari! Woot! And then there is his “sidekick”:





Ghazghkull ThrakaLook for more on him as we move into February as Saga of the Beast is bound to bring all the Xenos fans out of hiding this spring!

With all of this being said, Space Wolves are still on the table for new models. But Orks are in a much better position to get new content in Psychic Awakening: Saga of the Beast purely based on previews alone.

Orktober might be coming in March after all!

Will Ghazghkull be promoted to Beast status and get a statline on-par with Guilliman? Will Space Wolves come in Saga of the Beast with another Imperial faction yet to be revealed? What other Ork kits would you like to see updated?
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