More New Chaos: Warp-Fueled Bling Rumor Engine

daemon engine warhammer community preview rumor teaser

Without skipping a beat, Chaos is showing off another rumor bit. This is something we’ve actually seen once before in a rumor engine as well.

Warhammer Community revealed another rumor Daemon engine that has a “familiar face”. It’s so similar to a bit we’ve seen previously, we feel that they might just be going to the same model.

Warp-Fueled Bling Bling: GW Rumor Daemon Engine

rumor engine 2-26-19

Keeping in Chaosy, there’s a glowing flaming skull bolted into a metal ring. We feel like a Daemon would call this “jewelry”, but to the mortal eyes of man, they would call it horror. We’ve seen another version of this bit in a previous rumor engine once before.

rumor engine 8-28-18 Chaotic Hot Head: This Week's Rumor Engine SPOTTED

Of course, the different thing about this rumor engine here is that you can see a part of whatever it’s attached to.

So who or what do these fine skulls belong to? Well, we know this is a bold guess but here us out…This could belong to Fulgrim.

Looking at the rumor engine from a while back, whatever that thing is standing next to the bit could be a part of the new terrain set that is rumored to be on the way as well for Chaos.

daemon engine wal hor new chaos warhammer community


Although we’ve been hearing multiple rumors from different sources that Fulgrim is in the works. However, we haven’t seen anything solid as of yet.

The real question is are these tassels swinging from Fulgrim? Or are they going to something like a terrain piece dangling as decoration? Whatever it is, we’ve seen two different bits that are extremely similar pop up as a part of the rumor engine and no solid answer.

What do you think this rumor Daemon engine belongs to? Would another Primarch release be too early? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.