More New Imperial Fists Space Marines 40k Rules SPOTTED!

imperial fists wal hor title space marinesDon’t miss more new Imperial Fists rules were just spotted for the latest 40k Space Marine codex book. Check out what may be a new first look.

Collated from Valrak who looks to have some of the new Imperial Fists rules that he claims are coming towards the end of the month.

Got sent more information regarding the upcoming Codex Supplement for the Imperial Fist, with Warlord Traits, Stratagems and Wargear, the codex will be launching at end of the month along with Tor Garadon.

Just a heads up, there is a lot more, but my source asked me not to reveal too much so I picked the ones I ENJOYED, I’ve stated it many times before, I’m a narrative player, I’m sure there is a lot of stuff that pew pews with combos but I don’t go that far down the rabbit hole 🙂

Just keep in mind that this isn’t an official announcement so some things may be different by the time Warhammer Community previews drop.

Let’s start with what rules and points costs we already know:

Imperial & Crimson Fists Points

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Starting off, we’ve got a rough look at the points for Lysander, Kantor, and a new character model, Tor Garadon. With Black Templars nowhere to be found, the earlier rumors of them appearing in a Box Set against Orks later down the road might have a bit more weight behind them now.

As for Lysander and Pedro Kantor, they look to be in the bracket of 130 and 150 pts respectively. Right now, they cost exactly 130 and 150 so we doubt a 1-9 pt increase would turn them Primaris. While they may not be turning Primaris, captain of the 3rd company Tor Garadon most certainly is! Check out the hotness on the way to the Fists.

Tor Garadon: The Next Primaris Character

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Jumping into Tor Garadon, he’s a named Primaris character in Gravis armor coming to the Fists. He’s got the same basic stats as Gravis armor gives but with a whopping 7 wounds and 5 attacks (6 on the charge). He’s essentially a named Captain, letting everyone reroll 1’s around him. However, he’s also got a grav-gun instead of the normal boltgun that Gravis characters have. In addition, he’s got a spicy 3-flat damage power fist that DOES have a -1 to hit.

Being a named character, he has to have some special rules right? Signum Array, gives a unit within 3″ of himself a BS of 2+. This is something we first saw with the Iron Hands Malkaan Feirros. However, Siege Captain gives Garadon 1 bonus damage doing 4 a pop against buildings and vehicles. He’s the Imperium’s next Kool-Aid man for sure.

Imperial Fist Supplement Rules Rumors

Devastator Doctrine

  • +1 damage with heavy weapons against buildings and enemy vehicles while the Devastator Doctrine is active.

Warlord Traits

  • Fleetmaster: Once per battle, if your Warlord didn’t move, you get a free Orbital Bombardment without the CP. (might be worth it if it’s essentially free. the Strat has been pretty useless since its existence, however).
  • Stubborn Heroism: Your Warlord can’t fall back but you halve any damage he would take.
  • Refuse to Die (Crimson Fists): If your Warlord dies, he can come back with D3 wounds remaining on a 4+.

Imperial Fist wal Centurion


  • (Banner) Ancient model only: Add 1 to all hits for melee within 6″ of the bearer
  • (Unkown-Eye of Hippo?) Imperial Fist model only: This gives a 6″ aura of a lieutenant’s reroll 1’s to wound aura.

Psychic Powers

  • Fortify (WC 4): Gain D3 wounds back on an Infantry/Biker unit within 12″. (Your Librarians can be better Apothecaries at-range).
  • Iron Inferno (WC 6): Select a point on the battlefield in 18″. Within a 6″ aura, everything on a 4+ takes a mortal wound.


  • (2CP) Praetorian’s Wrath: Add 1 additional AP for a wound roll of a 6+. You can only use this once per battle. (Raven Guard have this exact same strat with a different name).
  • Pain is a lesson: Give a 6+++ FNP to a non-vehicle, non-servitor unit
  • Bolster Defenses: If a unit is in cover, add 1 to their saving throw. Once per battle. (Raven Guard have a strat similar to this as well. If they don’t move they are an additional -1 to hit).
  • (2CP) Bolter Drill: Rolling a 6+ to hit with an Imperial Fist unit explodes into two hits.
  • Bitter Enemy: If you’re in melee with an Iron Warriors unit you can reroll hits and wounds.

There’s a lot that’s been talked about in this batch of rumors but it looks like almost less than half of the possibilities that are coming inside of the book. As for the first glimpse at what we could be getting in the supplement, what are your thoughts?

Will Imperial Fists Librarians be the new Apothecaries? What is the best Warlord Trait?

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An earlier version of this post had a link to a collation of Valark’s video on Reddit which has been locked and deleted since.