Necromunda Underhive Wars: All The Cutscenes Are Amazing!

necromunda underhive warsThis is actually pretty amazing. All the cutscenes for Necromunda Underhive Wars has been combined so now you can watch and eat up all the lore!

YouTube channel Game Movie, puts up compilations of all the cutscenes from games. One of the more recent of which is none other than Necromunda Underhive Wars! If you are curious about the lore/story of the game, you can check out the video below!

We’ll be going over the details but be sure you watch it all yourself- it’s like a 40 minute 40k movie!

Necromunda Underhive Wars Cutscenes Compilation


characters in underhive warsVex and Kyra seem to be the main characters for the first chunk of the game, but they also pick up some extra buddies/clan memebers to help them achieve their goals.

house escher underhive warsThey are in House Escher and seem to want to make their way to a new power source/object. It’s pretty mysterious, but anything that can give you an upper hand is worth the risk in Necromunda.

underhive wars guilderIt wouldn’t be a war without guilders (who are neutral), and other gangs constantly wanting in on the action. But let’s take a super brief overview of the game outside of the story.

As far as gameplay is concerned, you can take the cosmetic customization pretty far of your gang between three houses. Orlocks, Goliath, and Escher. There is also a story and multiplayer mode to play through. As you play, the game will keep track of lasting injuries on your gangers as well as reputation and gang wealth. 

You can go to Steam Games right now and download your copy of Necromunda: Underhive Wars made by Focus Home Interactive. This is the first big online game we’ve seen set around gangs in the grimdark universe so if you are very invested in this portion of the universe it may be worth the consideration.

We don’t want to get too into the story here, be sure to watch the video, or even better play the game to get the full experience! You can also see our previous coverage of the game from earlier in the year!

What do you think of the variety of Warhammer video games? What are some factions/universes you’d like to see in the spotlight?

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