WOOT! We just got our White Dwarf in, and it’s full of; NECRONS!
Plus the best part is, there are rules in there as well!
The street date is today, so head on down to your local FLGS and checkout all there is to know on the new shiny robots!Unlike another site…. I won’t blatantly shred Games Workshops Intellectual property for personal (and temporary) gain, by posting up the whole magazine for you to see.
But I will tell you that this White Dwarf, is DEFINITIVELY worth a read, whether you’re a hater or a lover of the tin can mans!
In case you can’t make it to a game shop, and want the latest on the Necrons from the net, here are a few more new teaser pictures and some yummy links.
From Warseer,
You can however fine them in places like here, and here who all seem to have gotten the info from Warseer.
More on Necrons this weekend I am sure, as the White Dwarf washes across the land! Enjoy- MBG