Need To Paint Yellows? Imperial Fists Tutorial

imperial fists how to paintCan painting Imperial Fist really be secretly easy? Watch now and find out for yourself with Next Level Painting!

Kenny at Next Level Painting is bringing you another hot painting tutorial, focused on Imperial Fists. The Imperial Fists have been really heating up, so it makes sense to paint up a regal looking Imperial Fists Primaris Marine! Let’s get to it!

Imperial Fist NGL primed

Start out with a grey primed model and do some pre-highlighting if you like. Then, move on to getting your yellow base ready. You can mix up any yellows you have, to get it to a rusty-mustard/orange-yellow. The yellows Kenny used are all Army Painter and include Phoenix Flames, Moon Dust, Demonic Yellow, and Babe Blonde. There are no specific measurements and it’s not too difficult. Just be careful and add paint slowly until you hit the sweet spot.

Imperial Fist NGL basecoat

After you finish a sold base coat, you can do a short and sweet highlight by just adding a little bit of brighter yellow to the top of the miniature. Turing down the PSI gives you a little more control and is highly recommended. It’s important to note that you can continue adding brighter and brighter highlights until you get to the color you want. We went with a little bit brighter, but if you want you can hold back and go darker, the choice is yours.

Imperial Fist NGL details

After the highlight, it’s time to move on to hitting all the detail work. Reds, leather, metals, and black all get done here. Take your time and get a solid base with clean lines. Nothing too fancy here!

Imperial Fist NGL Wash

After the details, grab that wash! We use a Mr. Hobby oil wash mix of black and brown here with some solvent, but you can get similar results with normal washes too. The oil wash and solvent just helps a little bit with the blending and is a little easier to manipulate.

Imperial Fist NGL FinishedThe last set of steps for our mini are going to revolve around cleaning up any errors and getting some quick highlights in. For yellow, you’ll want to use ivory and you can make it a little more watery to help the blending. Then cover the red again with a base coat, and highlight it with a flesh-tone. You can just use the same brown from earlier, as the wash darkened our base coat. The same goes for the silver metal parts.

After that, we are done. The secret to making Imperial fists easy is a strong base coat. Yellow isn’t difficult to work with, so long as you get that super solid first coat!

You can support Kenny on his Patreon page, and stock up on all the great Chaos gear over on his Heretic Swag store.