40k Mystery Chaos Bit Spotted: What Could it Go To?

By Wesley Floyd | February 28th, 2019 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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What the heck is this? A new Chaos 40k mystery may have just been revealed. Was a new Chaos Space Marine head spotted in someone’s possession?

Despite all of the rumor Daemon engines and other Chaos-themed previews we’ve gotten, we’re still seeing new things pop up for the faction. Looking at a mysterious Chaos head today, we’re not sure what kit it belongs to, or if it’s even legitimate in the first place…

Chaos Head Bit We Haven’t Seen

leaked chaos head 1

Coming from a private Polish Facebook accountapparently, this head was shipped to someone who ordered some things for AoS. What it was doing in his package, we have no clue…but here it is!

We’ve given a rough polish translation of what the user had to say on his Facebook:

Posting again. I am 99% sure this is new thing and they are not in the boxes of CSM possessed, dark vengeance, raptors. believe me or not my friend got those in a box of goblin hoppers.

leaked chaos head

Looking at the head, we definitely haven’t seen these in any previews. So what kit could they go to exactly?

leaked chaos head 2

We know these helmets wouldn’t go to something like a normal Chaos Marine. Simply because there are some cables on the back of the helmet that are an obvious glue-point.

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That brings us to the Obliterator models that we’ve seen. Remember, these guys come in squads of three and we’ve only seen two so far. On top of that, there’s plenty of room for cables to be stored in the suit behind the helmet. We’re taking a bit of a shot in the dark here, but if we had to take a guess on what the helmet could go to, then as of right now, we would wager it would be the missing link for the third Obliterator model.

Or potentially a new Greater Possessed model or Havocs?

What model did you think the head would be going to? Is it part of a new unit we know nothing about? Have you ever received anything odd in your packages from GW? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.