New 2018 40k Codex Release Hints From GW Retailers

Store ShelfIt’s a new year and we’re seeing what may be some hints on what 40k codex books will be on the way next in Q1 from independent retailers that carry Games Workshop product. 

Independent retailers in North America recently received a new updated stock list from Games Workshop. This list shows the range each store MUST have on their shelves going forward per Games Workshop store stockist policy. First, let’s take a look at what’s being added to the list:

Stock List In

  • Ork Gretchin
  • Ork Stomboyz
  • Start Collecting Nurgle
  • Tzeentch Blue Horrors
  • Thousand Son Marines
  • Thousand Son Terminators

I think it safe to say now why they added in Thousand Sons, and Nurgle to this list. Which may cast an even bigger light now on the Orks?

plastic nurgle daemon preview new models

We already know the Daemons are going to be seeing a new codex here soon which would explain the addition of certain Daemon items as well.

Could this mean that we’ll be seeing a codex for the Orks in Q1 of this year now as well? There’s been no official announcement, but this could leave room for speculation as this list of Q1 releases was just spotted on Miniwars yesterday with no further sourcing:

Feb Jun Rumors

In addition to seeing items added to the independent retailers range we’re also seeing some things taken off the B45 stockist list:

Stock List Out

Now before people start jumping to conclusions, at no point in time does any of these items being removed mean they’re going to be discontinued from sale. They just will not be required for the B45 stockist level.

This list is simply showing items that some independent retailers will not be required to have on their shelves anymore. This could also mean we might being seeing updates to many of these products.

Most notable of these substitutions is the Dark Imperium, and Age of Sigmar core starter boxes.

Additionally, Games Workshop has offered credits to independent retailers for items on this list. They must complete a Range Review with their account manager, the Product Returns form must be sent back by January 19th, and credits will be available by February 5th.

What are your thoughts on the updated range for independent retailers? Are you happy to see anything added to the list of required items? Are you sad to see some go? Let us know in the comments below.

gw store shot wal hor

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