New 40k Campaign Book & Primaris Space Marines For DEC


New Primaris Space Marines and a campaign book for Warhammer 40k are on the way for December it looks like. Don’t miss the latest from the Vigilus Open!

Games Workshop held a Vigilus campaign open event that hosted small gaming events as well as seminars giving us a glimpse of what’s to come.

Without any more delay, let’s check out what was covered for Space Marines.

Vigilus Defiant Campaign Book

The Ultramarines were dispatched to help defend the Imperial bastion after all. With earlier videos only mentioning Xenos threats, it looks like Black Legion decided to get a slice of the action on the planet as well.

Looks like December’s releases just got a little crowded with Chapter Approved, Battleforce box sets, a new campaign book, and potentially yet another new Starter Set all coming for Warhammer 40k.

Primaris-Sized Marneus Clagar

marneus calgar New 40k Campaign Book & Primaris Space Marines For DEC


marneus clagar 2

“I stepped across the threshold of death and into the Rubicon Primaris. I am Marneus Calgar!”

Marneus Calgar is the original and perhaps most iconic Space Marine character, having been with us in one form or another since the very first edition – so it’s only fitting that this venerable hero is the first to be reborn as a Primaris Space Marine. This incredible new model combines the modern aesthetic of the Primaris Marines with the classic elements of the venerable character.

The Chapter Master of the Ultramarines is getting an updated model and he’ll be bigger than ever. (Primaris-sized!) He was one of the first ever Space Marine character and has stuck with the lore through all these years.

With Robbie G and Cawl working together to bring Primaris into the ranks of the Imperium, it looks like pre-existing Space Marines can even be modified into Primaris-status, which could be bad news for our hobby wallets.

marneus display

Case photo from Hobby Hero Garro on Facebook.

ultramarine new character

It looks like Calgar’s honor guard may be joining the ranks of the Primaris as well. Judging by the design of his boots and backpack, this model looks like he’s a Primaris as well. Are the Ultramarines the new “Named Primaris Chapter” these rumors were talking about?

Haarken Worldclaimer

haarken worldclaimer


A new champion of Chaos has risen to the ranks on Vigilus going by Haarken Worldclaimer. He apparently told the Warmaster, Abaddon that the planet would fall within 80 days of his arrival. Of course, now that the Ultramarines are there, that probably won’t be happening.

The Black Legion have come to Vigilus – led by the sinister herald known as Haarken Worldclaimer. This new champion of the Dark Gods has declared that the world of Vigilus will fall to the Warmaster, within 80 days…

New Box Set on the Way?

vigilus video marneus

In the Vigilus Defiant Campaign video, there are small forces of Black Legion and Ultramarines fighting each other. Could there be a new SM vs. CSM Box Set in the works?

Looks like a “forces of good” alliance may be forming to hold back Chaos from the appearance of these named characters together in the case at the open.

Rumors have been talking about the real possibility of a new Starter box, and judging from the picture above it may be closer than we think!

Another Vigilus Box Set is at the center of the rumor. Spotted over on BoLS, there may be a new Primaris box set with some new models inside for 40k.

Going by the rumor:

  • A third Primaris Box Set is on the way revolving around Vigilus
  • New models will be included (we don’t know if these are characters or something like a Troop choice.)


What do you think about all the turmoil on Vigilus? What rules will Haarken have? How important is he to Abaddon? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

More From The Vigilus Open