New 40k FAQ Changes For Grey Knights, Thousand Sons & Dark Angels

new in the faq gwBuckle up hobbyists, new FAQ changes are here for the Grey Knights, Dark Angels, and Thousand Sons in the latest 40k update from Games Workshop.

Coming from Warhammer Community, they’ve announced the first FAQ for the Ritual of the Damned. While we’re still waiting to see the impact of these factions on the tabletop. a couple of rules were tweaked and questions answered. Here’s the latest.

New 40k FAQ Changes For Grey Knights, Thousand Sons & Dark Angels

40k FAQ Changes For chapter approved 2019

Looks like vehicles without the PSYKER keyword are a no go for tides now. Sorry flyers, you won’t be -2 to hit when touching terrain looks like.



40k FAQ Changes For chapter approved 2019

It also looks like the toned down the psychic selections a bit for GK Warlords.

ritual of the damned lazarusFinally, they added in Lazarus’ points “officially” from their Facebook post and adjusted some others for the Dark Angels:

40k FAQ Changes For chapter approved 2019

Be sure to read over all the changes for your faction(s) like the Thousand Sons that we didn’t cover, before your next game! We will say that overall, GW did a pretty sweet job on this FAQ. There are no earth-shattering changes to the army that makes it operate completely differently. Of course, we could be a little off here, but overall it looks pretty good IMHO.

How do you feel about Grey Knights now in 8th? Have you started building up your army yet? 

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