JOYTOY Reveals Lineup of New Necrons 40k Action Figures

joytoy-necronsIt’s finally happening- Necrons are joining the Orks for Xenos as JOYTOY has previewed their lineup of new 40k action figures!

If you’ve been looking for something to spice up your collection, these new Warhammer 40k JOYTOY action figures might be perfect! While they aren’t up for sale quite yet (and it might be a little while since they are just teased), they are awesome!

New 40k JOYTOY Necrons Figures Revealed!

This is the first full reveal of JOYTOY we have seen for the Necrons faction, so it’s great to see. If we get lucky, they might make more soon!

These reveals come from the JoyToyWarhammer Twitter Page.

JOYTOY NecronsThere will be four new figures this time around, and who knows? Maybe we’ll get a ton of Necrons if they do well soon! We expect these will be released as the set pictured, however they may break them up individually as well.

JOYTOY Necrons 2


JOYTOY Necrons 8The Overlord looks to have some decent posing options, and while it doesn’t come with a ton of extra bits, it’s still awesome!

JOYTOY Necrons 3


JOYTOY Necrons 7If you’re getting figures, you want some Immortals on your side! This should force your smaller Immortals to do what they’re supposed to.

JOYTOY Necrons 4


JOYTOY Necrons 6You’ll get both the weapon options, and as we’ve seen these before, it’s possible you’ll get all four minis in one buy.

JOYTOY Necrons 5


JOYTOY Necrons 9Last but not least, there will be one Deathmark! The model is really cool and actually very posable from the looks of it.

Necron JOYTOY Size Comparisons

JOYTOY Necrons 10The Overlord is actually a decent amount taller than the Space Marine, which makes sense compared to the miniatures.

JOYTOY Necrons 11The Deathmark, on the other hand, is slightly shorter but much less chonky, which makes total sense.

If you want some more details, be sure to check out The Toy Vox video below!

Get 10% Ordering JOYTOY Warhammer 40k Action Figures:

If you’ve been eyeing any of the amazing JOYTOY Warhammer 40k action figures, use our exclusive discount code to get yours for less from Flyima! Use Discount Code: SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 10%!

Best of all, they have free shipping for almost all of them to the States!

JOYTOY Flyima sale

The items below are currently available from multiple sellers worldwide, so check out the links below to grab yours!

JOYTOY PRe-order

Joytoy new wave

All of the new JOYTOY 40k action figures in this section have hit pre-orders here in the states from Entertainment Earth and Sideshow Collectibles, or you can browse secondary sellers on Amazon, and eBay.

Don’t forget you can use Discount Code: SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 10% on Flyima as well!

Click Here To Get JOYTOY From Entertainment Earth or Sideshow Collectibles

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