New 40k Leagues of Votann Models: Size & Lore Reveal

leagues-of-votaan-size-warhammer-40kGW showed just how big the new Leagues of Votann models are compared to a Space Marines size and more lore for the faction- check it out!

It wasn’t that long time ago that GW showed off the Hearthkyn for the Leagues, but now we get to see how big they will actually be on the tabletop! Then on top of that, they gave us a little more lore and more about their anatomy.

Warhammer Community unveiled the size comparison, but we’ll also take a look at the Hearthkyn reveal.

GW Reveals New Leagues of Votann Hearthkyn Models!


These hardy clone warriors form the core of the Kinhosts, and unlike the Adeptus Astartes, they are not bred solely for war. These soldiers are citizens drawn from the populace of the Holds, regardless of gender, job, or social role. They’re Kin who have undergone rigorous martial training, yes, but they also have fulfilling lives outside of war. 

Hearthkyn 3As you can see, they have a ton of weapon options, and GW mentions they can have up to 20 models in a unit. So that means we would expect these to be in boxes of ten.

Hearthkyn 4

Hearthkyn Warriors are often engineered with particular cloneskeins that allow them to specialise in combat – heightened senses, improved stamina, and the ability to see better in the dark, to name but a few. In contrast, others augment their bodies for battle with mechanical limbs and synthetic organs. Held in equal status in League society, Ironkin also fight shoulder to shoulder with their flesh-and-blood comrades – Kin are Kin, even in war.

They have some decent stats and with the wording above, you might be able to upgrade units with special augments.

Hearthkyn 5

These units work effortlessly in conjunction with one another, regardless of their specialization. Some are tasked with sundering the defenses of heavily-armored opponents with ion blasters and HYLas auto-rifles, while others capture battlefield objectives and lay down a hail of saturated fire with their Autarch-pattern bolters.

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We’ll have to see how you can arm them, but it looks like you can make the units fairly specialized.

How Big the Leagues of Votann 40k Models Are: Size & Lore Reveal

How Big leagues of votann

The first thing you might notice is that they look a little squat compared to many other races in the galaxy. Measuring up at around 4ft (1.4m) on average, Kin are minuscule compared to the warriors of the Adeptus Astartes, but they can pack almost as much of a punch.

As you can see, they definitely kept them fairly small, but we also wish they had thrown an Imperial Guard model in there. However, from this comparison, they do appear to be still shorter than an IG model, which makes sense.

Armour & Wargear

Leagues of Votann lore

We know the Leagues have technology far outclassing much of that of the Imperium, and Void Armour is a prime example of this. While the Power Armour of the Adeptus Astartes is always evolving, and may be considered the peak of Imperial body protection, the Kin’s Void Armour takes personal defence to another level.

Void armour comprises hardened, jointed segments which are hooked into the void suit beneath. It is fashioned from magnaferrite weave, and often reinforced with adamantine and enhanced with microfield generators – providing the ultimate protection for these doughty warriors.

Here are some close-ups of the actual weapons they revealed.


They actually have a lot of options just in the regular unit, so we expect the more specialized units to get plenty of special weapons.

Kin & Culture

Leagues of Votann lore 2

Culture in general is incredibly important to the Leagues, and much like the requirement for Imperial Knight pilots to honour their ancestors, Kin are also acutely aware that the Ancestors are Always Watching, a phrase which is used as a blessing, battlecry, and warning interchangeably.

The rugged survivalist culture of the Leagues of Votann has bred a long-lived, hardy, and self-sufficient race. In order to truly honour the Ancestors, every member of a Hold must also endeavour to live a full life, discovering as much as they can and offering their learned experience to the Votann. This thirst for knowledge has led the Kin to launch countless exploratory and prospecting fleets into the wider galaxy – and even fight as mercenaries in other species’ wars!

Well… that’s quite interesting! It looks like GW is going to let them be taken by a wide array of armies. So even if you don’t want a full army of them, they might be able to be taken as detachments in a bunch of armies. Our guesses would be Imperial Guard, Tau, and maybe Eldar?

If you love everything Squats, check out the latest on the new Leagues of Votann below.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

Are you excited about the return of Squats er the Leagues of Votann? Will you be picking some of them up when they drop?