New 40k Old Foes Themed Army Bundles Announced

old-foes-army-bundlesLooks like GW is going back to Indommitus for their new Old Foes Army bundles the first featuring Necrons and Space Marines.

They say each week they will be doing a different themed Old Foes army bundle focusing on some famous rivalries for Warhammer 40k Each set of armies will only be available for one week, so if you see a bundle you like, you won’t have to long to get it. We’ll have to see what type of value they have each week, which could be interesting.

Warhammer Community just unveiled the first installment of the new themed bundles. They don’t say quite how long they will run the promotion, but this bundle will only be available until Tuesday, October 12th.

Let’s check out the details.

old foes army bundle pricing week 1

Editor’s note when this article was written the link for the US store did not have any bundles for sale, however, the UK one did.

40k Old Foes Necrons & Space Marines Themed Army Bundles

themed army bundlesTo celebrate these epic rivalries, is bringing themed Old Foes army bundles to the webstore, each available for just one week. These are a new army project in their own right, and they bring you within striking distance of a free Sergeant Castus miniature this month.

3dartguy ruler cropGet The New Sci-Fi Ruler Miniature!

Like we said above, at the time of writing this, the link isn’t working for the bundle on the webstore (in the USA that is, it seems to be working in the UK). So we’re not sure the exact price but they have to be under $240, as they say, it will get you on your way to getting the exclusive SGT Castus model.

Just like any bundle, if you need the minis inside it probably has some decent value.

themed army bundles 2A Necron Overlord headlines this bundle with his bodyguard of ten Immortals, three Tomb Blades, and a Night Scythe from Combat Patrol: Necrons, along with a squad of ten Necron Warriors and their Ghost Ark transport.

The Immortals and the Night Scythe can be assembled as either Death Marks or a Doom Scythe as well. The majority of the units picked for the first bundles are push-fit, but not everything. Which some people don’t like, but when you grab a bundle with this many units it can be nice honestly.

This is an interesting idea and if there is decent value, it should help people get a little bigger forces than the Combat Patrols. It’s just annoying that they are one week only, so be sure to check for your favorite army next Tuesday.

All the Newest GW Model Previews For Oct & Beyond

Do you like the idea? Will you be picking either of them up? 

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