New 40k Plastic Eldar & Storm Guardians Kit Revealed

path-of-the-preview new eldar guardiansAfter a really, really long time, a new plastic Eldar Guardians kit is actually coming to Warhammer 40k and it’s multipart!

A mainstay kit for the Eldar is finally being reworked and you’ll actually be able to build either Eldar Guardian Defenders or Storm Guardians. They even previewed a new type of platform for your Storm Guardians that will keep them protected from enemy fire. 

Path of the PreviewWarhammer Community unveiled the new models with some insight into all the options. The article is also called the Path of the Preview, so with a name like that, we expect many more reveals before we see the Eldar codex.

New Plastic Eldar Guardians Kit Revealed by GW!

The last time we saw a new Guardian, it was dead on the base of Lelith, so this is a serious step in the right direction!

New Eldar Guardians

The old Guardian squad has given us many years of faithful service, but this new kit improves upon these veteran miniatures, providing more dynamic poses and more choices of weapons, heads, and bodies.

Finally, new models with plenty of options!

New Eldar Guardians 2

New Eldar Guardians 3

New Eldar Guardians 4


New Eldar Guardians 5The new models look really sweet and they kept the older style but gave them a new feel. The poses are much more dynamic, they have way more options, and actually, look like something from this decade. Let’s just hope the legs aren’t two parts, as that is so frustrating to build. Still, even if they are two parts, we don’t care because Eldar needs these models so badly!

They can also be made as Storm Guardians, so there will probably be tons and tons of bits in this kit.

Storm Guardians

New Eldar Guardians 6

The new kit includes options to make either a squad of Guardian Defenders (including a heavy weapon platform) or a squad of Storm Guardians, with a new addition for the latter – a Serpent’s Scale Platform. The latter deflects incoming fire, allowing your squad to stroll nonchalantly across the battlefield before slicing their way through the younger races of the galaxy.

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These are super dynamic and obviously have a lot of options with power swords, chainswords, grenades, and weapons. Plus they are grabbing a new platform that will keep them protected from incoming fire.

New Eldar Guardians 40k Rules & Stats Are Here!

Warhammer Community unveiled the new Eldar Guardians 40k rules along with what their Serpent Shield can do. Let’s check out the rumors and the new kit, then get into the new rules!

Guardians Rules

Guardian armour is tougher. This reactive thermoplas mesh now grants its wearer a respectable 4+ Save characteristic – without compromising the flexibility they need to pull off acrobatic Battle Focus moves.

An increase to their save is obviously pretty nice, and they will be able to make the D6″ move after they shoot. As we said before, they are giving it to almost every unit it seems and this might really slow things down as you will have to shoot, and then move again.

It’s a cool mechanic, just wondering how long each turn will take with basically 2 movement phases.

Guardians Rules 2

Likewise, the humble shuriken catapults taken to battle by Guardian Defenders are more deadly than before. On top of the Shuriken ability we showed off earlier, these elegant armaments now have longer range and more reliable Armour Penetration – someone’s clearly sharpened the shurikens.

Added range and a guaranteed AP are pretty nice. It might not seem insane right up front, but a buff to weapons and save at once can be really strong. As they can get -3 AP as well.

Shuriken rules

But just what is that mysterious Shuriken rule tucked away in the corner? Well, it’s how your guns can get that all-important Armour Penetration – perfect for seeing whether Space Marines really do know no fear. 

You will still get more AP on 6’s, so at least they kept that rule in. You’ll still have the same overall AP on 6’s, but better in general with the minus 1.

Guardians Rules 4 

In fact, while they’re defending these objectives, both varieties get a neat bonus to help them drive off the warriors of lesser civilizations.

This is actually pretty sweet as they will be getting rerolls to hit, whether you want to Storm in and take it away in melee, or sit back and shoot your enemy off their own!

Serpent Shield 

Guardians Rules 3

Combined with their upgraded armour and the probability-twisting powers of the Strands of Fate special rule, these Serpent Scale Platforms can ensure each squad reaches its objective unscathed, ready for a deadly charge. Sufficiently large units can even bring two along for the trip, in case one suffers an unfortunate mishap along the way.

The 5+ is actually really nice, and the mini Transhuman will also really help considering they are only T3. Meaning you should be able to get into range more often, but if they put a ton of fire into 1W models, we’re not sure how much it will change their survivability.

New Eldar Stratagem

Guardians Rules 5

While most craftworlds train their Guardians as a conscript militia, drawn from artists and artisans in times of war, Ulthwé maintains theirs as a standing army, guided by powerful Warlocks. This imparts the famed Black Guardians with discipline and skill far in excess of their part-time comrades.

If you use this in conjunction with them being on an objective, they should basically hit with everything. As they should be hitting on 2’s and rerolling ones. Especially for 1 CP, it could really make a difference as you want as many shots as you can get for those 6’s to wound for the extra 2 AP.

Other than that though, we think Eldar players will be happy so far with this tidal wave of news and rumors for all things Aeldari. Use the links below to check out our other coverage:

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

Do you like the new look for the Eldar Guardians? 

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!