New 40k Sisters of Battle Vehicles & Sprues REVEALED

sister wal hor Adepta Sororitas sisters of battleFrom the Exorcist to the new Immolator, all the new multi-part Sisters of Battle 40k vehicle kits, and sprues were just revealed at Warhammer Open Day!

With the Army Set release wave is behind us, Warhammer Community previewed a ton of new Sisters of Battle models for 2020! So what do we still have to look forward to? A lot, actually. Here the latest previews on all the sisters still to come and some release rumors.

An entire day dedicated to Warhammer 40,000? At Warhammer World, the official home of the hobby?! Sounds like an awesome day out, right? But for those of you who can’t make it to today’s event, we don’t want you to miss out on all the latest news. 

The Models Revealed:

Hobby heroes Sprues & Brews and Garro were at the event and shared some great pictures of the model as well!

New Mulipart Sisters of Battle Vehicle Kits for 2020

The Rhino is one unit we were waiting to see. These were originally previewed to come with circular doors. However, it appears to have been changed some point after its first preview.

sisters of battle rhino 1

Here is an assembled Rhino with what looks to be pre-production resin casts, that was on display along with its plastic upgrade sprue.

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 rhino (2)

The new Sisters Rhino kit may be packaged with this sprue instead of the normal Astartes upgrade sprue.

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 vehicle sprue (2)

If boxy transports aren’t your thing, there were some other Rhino-chassis type vehicles previewed showing the circular doors fans loved. We’re also getting the Immolator and Exorcist!

Sisters of Battle Immolator

Immolator with Flame weapon option

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 immolator

Immolator with Flame weapon option, unpainted. Get a load of that clear plastic weapons cowl!  There is also a Heavy Bolter weapon variant as well.

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 immolator

Painted up with Contrast paints or washes you could emulate the look of stained glass on this!

Sisters of Battle Exorcist

Exorcist with Lady Ga-Ga style helmeted weapons operator. 

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 immolator (2)

It appears from these shots of the unpainted kit, that there is no lack of detail when it comes to these battle shrines The Exorcist and Immolators are clearly are a step above the normal Rhino design-wise.

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 exorcist

You may want to assemble and paint the weapons pulpit separately so that you don’t miss any shred of detail with your brush!

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 exorcist

Simply stunning, and full of class when fully painted.  The appeal of the new Sisters vehicle designs is very intoxicating, to say the least.

Immolator & Excorcist Sprues

From all appearances in these previews, it looks like both the Immolator and Exorcist share this same “base” rhino chassis sprue.

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 vehicle sprueFrom there, the Exorcist kit looks to also contain this sprue which was pictured to the right of the chassis sprue above.

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 vehicle sprue (3)The Immolator, on the other hand, may come with these two sprues that contain the rotating turret and weapon options as well. They were pictured to the left of the base chassis sprue above.

sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019 vehicle sprue (4)As one final “bonus” large kit we are still waiting to lay our eyes on is the Battle Santuary. From its Datasheet it appears to be more of a terrain piece than a vehicle

Sisters of Battle Battle Sanctum

The Battle Sanctum rules sheet was spotted recently and it looks like it might not be a flying vehicle after all…

sisters of battle battle sanctum datasheet

It looks like the Battle Sanctum is a terrain piece lying in wait. The key giveaways are that once it’s set up, it can’t move and you can throw Infantry dudes and dudettes inside to man the walls. It’s only Power Level 3, and it costs 50 points.

But how big will it be? Can we take multiple in a list? These are just a few of the questions that seeing this rules sheet brings up.

If we are able to bring more than one and they don’t take up too big of a footprint on the table, they could be used as Miracle Dice generators and may be the groundwork for a Sororitas gunline.

hyperia hiveswparl battle sanctumWe haven’t seen the model just yet so keep your eyes peeled. It will be incredible to see so much hit a single faction seemingly all at once.

What do you think about the upcoming Sisters kits? What will you be massing in your army list?

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