New 40k Xenos Specialist Detachment Rules REVEALED

ork wal hor speed freeks

40k Xenos players rejoice! We’re finally getting a firsthand look at some of the specialist detachments coming in the Vigilus Defiant book.

Games Workshop decided to give the Xenos players a little bit of love by previewing some rules to Xenos-exclusive specialist detachments. Without any more delay, let’s jump into the details.

Keep in mind that these detachments are completely allowed in Matched, Narrative, and Open play. The detachments give certain units a Keyword which unlocks certain stratagems and rules.

GSC: Anointed Throng

GSC aberrant Who's Tougher In 40k Kill Team: Death Guard or GSC - Spikey Bits


annointed throng

As we’ve said before, the specialist detachments only affect certain units. In this case, Abominants and Aberrants gain the Anointed Throng keyword. But what does it do for them?

This Specialist Detachment unlocks a number of useful tricks, including a Warlord Trait that adds 1 to charge rolls for nearby Anointed Throng units, and the Blessed Sledgehammer relic that improves your Abominant’s weapon to a tank-busting AP of -4.

devotion till death

You’d want to use this stratagem when you decide to chest bump a Knight with a full squad of Aberrants. This is basically Only in Death does Duty End for an entire unit of Aberrants. Keep in mind that the Aberrants can take power sledges which are literal thunder hammers. Translation: You’ll be able to tear something up.

GW also dropped this teaser:

Genestealer Cults players will also have access to the Deliverance Broodsurge, representing flotillas of Goliath Trucks brimming with Hybrids.

We’re not exactly if this is a stratagem or a rule for the detachment but it sounds like we can maybe pop units out of Goliath Trucks for free? Maybe after they’ve already moved? who knows.

Craftworlds: Wraith Host

Khorne VS Eldar


wraith host

1Pp gives the Spiritseers and Wraith Constructs in a detachment the Wraith Host Keyword and it looks like the detachment unlocks access to a new Warlord Trait called Revered by the Dead.

…the Revered by the Dead Warlord Trait will enable nearby Wraith Constructs to re-roll charge rolls…

wrath of the dead

Not only can your Constructs re-roll failed charge rolls, but for just 1CP, you can add 1 to the attacks of every model in the unit.

Just like the GSC quote from above, GW left us with this teaser. Is another detachment on the way for Eldar that is more focused on speed?

If your Asuryani hail from Saim-Hann, or simply like to ignore such paltry concerns as gravity, you can even field a Windrider Host to give your jetbike and Vyper-mounted Craftworlders a handy, thematic boost.

Orks: Kult of Speed

ork wal hor speed freeks


kult of speed

You now have another stratagem to throw on all of those newfangled Speed Freeks models that just dropped!

Unsurprisingly, all of the associated rules benefit your adrenaline-fuelled Speed Freeks, from a trait that renders Kult of Speed units within 12” of your Warlord immune to Morale tests provided they Advanced (that’s your Warbikers sorted!)

There’s also a 2CP stratagem on the way that allows a unit to double its movement. That’s upwards in the 20+” threat range.

deffkilla wartrike


deffkilla relic

You can turn your Deffkilla Wartrike into Skargim’s Snazztrike as a relic. This just gives it +1 toughness and a 5++ save.

Ork players are getting a grand total of four specialist detachments in Vigilus:

While not every Xenos faction will be in Vigilus, there’s plenty of support coming to the ones that are. We’re sure GW will give the factions (Tau & Necrons) some kind of detachment rules somewhere down the line.

As for right now, what do you think of these previews?

Do these rules look like they have a place in the Matched Play meta? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.