44″ x 60″ 40k Sized Mats From Game Mat EU: Unboxing

Game Mat EU has got you covered with their 44″ x 60″ sized 40k mats if you don’t feel like taping off (or ripping up) your old playmat!

Today Rob takes a look at the new set of 9th Edition 40k sized mats from Game Mat EU. Their first run of these sold out in only a couple of days, so when they go back on sale, make sure you hop on it fast! Even Rob was only able to grab a few of these bad boys.

He is going to break down how they look, how durable they are, what they’re made of, and the pricing. That way you can decide if these are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. Let’s go!

New 44″ x 60″ 40k Mats From Game Mat EU: UnboxingBattle Mats


44 x 60 40k MatsTheir site is super easy to navigate through and they have tons of stuff on there. Everything from pre-painted terrain to mats to hobby supplies. It’s also pretty affordable when compared to other sites with similar quality stuff. They have 6 styles currently available for the new mat sizes but are adding more.

Just keep in mind, they ship from the Czech Republic so it will take about two weeks to get the mats. If you want to see what their pre-painted terrain is like, go check out Rob’s video on it here.

First Impressions

rolled up matsThey are made out of the same material as mouse pads. This makes them super water-resistant, helps them soak up the dice sounds, and could most likely even be washed. While they are matte (no pun intended) and absorb light, their colors are very vibrant, with even more pop than their old mats. Plus every mat comes with its own baggie for easy transportation as well.

Masking off Your Old Table

Masking TapeYou can always just mask off your old table with some black tape if you don’t feel like getting a new one. Rob used this tape for his old mats and it has held up well. Just keep in mind, if you’re constantly moving the mat it could come off and the new mats are pretty awesome, so might be worth it to just grab one anyways.

Quarantine Zone Mat: $65.00

Quarantine ZoneThis mat has a new design compared to their old one. So not only is it a newer size, it’s even better looking!

Highlands in War Mat: $65.00

Highlands in War matThis is a perfect mat for so many types of games, not just 40k. It’s a super vibrant mat with a nice simple design that fits with all kinds of terrain.

Fallout Zone Mat: $65.00

Fallout zone matThis mat is Rob’s favorite and it works well with almost all of their terrain. Just a perfect battlefield for the grimdark of the future!

Sands of Time Mat: 65.00

sands of time matLast up is this awesome Sands of Time mat. It has a really great poppy brown-yellow color that will make your armies stand out on the battlefield.

That does it for this one! Overall, every mat is super great looking and just saves you the hassle when playing games in 9th!

What’s your favorite mat out of the new set? Have you taped off your table or gone for a new mat?

Grab Your New 44″ x 60″ 40k Mats From Game Mat EU Here!

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