New Astartes Rumors – Chapter Upgrade Latest

By Rob Baer | May 27th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors


More Astartes rumors dropped overnight. Checkout the latest on the chapter upgrades and more.

via Warseer’s Darnok 5-26-2015

I’ve been told there would be two more upgrade sets, so UM and DA are only the first half of that. Devastators will be the second kit after Assault Marines. Add a few clampack characters, and that’s the SM release. DA will only get a codex and a character (plus this upgrade frame). I don’t know whether the older DA upgrade sprue will remain in production – I hope so.

via B&C’s Timotheus 5-26-2015

That matches with what my local redshirt told me today. I asked whether there will be more upgrade kits apart from the Big 4 and he said he doesn’t think so.

Space Marine Week 1 Releases

In preorder this week:

– New Assault squad
– specific sprues with shoulder pads, torsos, heads and so on for UM, BA, SW and DA!!!
Yes!!! Plastic bits to bling our armies!!!

 So the Smart money is looking like this:
Week 1: Assault Marines
Week 2: Devastators
Week 3: Codex
Clampack characters and Ultramarine, Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Space Wolves (maybe White Scars???) Upgrade sprues sprinkled in there.

Checkout every scrap of rumors we can find on the new release below

Space Marine Roundup