New Betrayal at Calth Box Set Will Have MKIII And:

By Rob Baer | July 29th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

space wolves walpaper wulfen

Two days later, we’re still hearing more rumors about what may or may not be in a new Betrayal at Calth box set, and this may be the best Horus Heresy yet!

Will the new Horus Heresy box set contain loyalists of be based around the fall of Prospero? Reports vary, but one noted rumormonger had this to say this earlier today:

Q: If there are Space Wolves in it, Sad Panda has not mentioned them yet.

A: Yes. There will be Space Wolves (and in heresy colors they absolutely own those MKIII).


Vlka Fenryka!!

The latest on the contents of the new box set, previously:

Sad Panda chimmed in curiously about the reported contest from yesterday saying:

Q: It won’t be. Based on rumors, the boxed set will HH Thousand Sons, complete with Ahriman in plastic. Thousand Sons had a unique mark based off of Mk IV, so expect reissues of the Mk IV with an upgrade kit of some sort. The logical other army would be Space Wolves, who wore all sorts of marks.

Q: It’ll probably be mk4 marines, a librarian character, a melee character, and two new special units. Maybe Tartaros and boarding marines, and another contemptor?

Though, if they included boarding marines as mk4 rather than mk3, that’d be silly. Especially since mk2/3 were practically made for boarding marines

A: MKIII isn’t wrong. But no mention of Sisters or Custodes? Odd.


BoLS is reporting the following:

 Here is the list of minis in the box from industry insiders:

  • Tartaros Terminators x5
  • Tartaros Terminator Officer
  • Mk3 Breacher Marines x10
  • Mk3 Breacher Officer
  • Mk3 Assault Marines x10
  • Mk3 Marines  x10

Which if it pans out will give us now basic troopers in mark IV marines we saw from Calth, as well as new Mk3 armor version. Plus new officers, and new versions of terminators.


Mk.III Armor

Iron Warrior Breacher Marine



Terminator Armor Comparison

Source : BoLS the following:

  • The new boxed game is coming later this year.
  • The game’s setting and theme is the Battle for Prospero.
  • Look for plastic contents on par with Betrayal at Calth
  • Combatants are described as Thousand Sons vs Space Wolves  and “others”

horus heresy walpaper

And remember this little tidbid from Sad Panda previously: 

There is no Betrayal at Calth expansion (not counting White Dwarf material and possibly something digital).

There is a separate HH-based game, but it was written before Calth hit the shelves. It is no more an expansion to Calth than Overkill is an expansion to Execution Force. It simply shares the same setting/time period.

We also know that Book VII of the Heresy will be out either late summer or early fall and will feature: The Razing of Prospero as well. Plus with the Russ saga wrapping up from Black Library this may just be the fist multi brand similu release for Games Workshop.

INFERNO SPOTTED: Prospero Will Burn!

It’s only crazy if it doesn’t work!