New Black Templars Relic Bearers 40k Rules

black-templars-title wal horThese new Black Templars Relic Bearers 40k rules let you upgrade your units with some pretty sweet ancient relics- check it out!

With the launch box up for pre-order soon, you know Games Workshop was going to give us some new rules to ogle. They seem to have really given them a ton of special rules in the supplement, so we won’t be surprised by them topping tournaments with that new codex power creep. 

Warhammer Community just unveiled two out of the four possible new relics rules for Black Templars. They even have the relics in the upgrade kit coming out as bits too, so people can’t even complain about WYSIWYG. Let’s first take a look at the vow rules from yesterday, then jump into the new relics! 

New 40k Black Templars Rules

Black Templars Codex cover art

Overall the 9th Edition Black Templar rules until now have mostly been speculated at, but check out a few of the release and rules rumors from Reddit over the summer.  

  • The Crusader kit will have options for a Sword Brother unit leader with cape, and there’s a 15″ AP-1 flamer.
  • The Sword Brother kit will have plenty of CC options and the option to make a Marshal (like with the Custodes Warden kit that gives you the option of making a Captain).
  • There will be two Crusader Squads: the old one that everyone knows and a new one made up exclusively of Primaris. The latter will be 5-11 Primaris Initiates, 4-8 Primaris Neophytes, and 1 Primaris Sword Brother. Neophytes will have 2W and 2A like other Primaris.
  • There’ll also be a conversion/bits/upgrade sprue that will have Templar relics on it (so-and-so’s helmet, the sword of such-and-such, etc.), shotguns for Neophytes, and more customization options like extra arms (Neophyte holding a helmet), or backpack-mounted candles.
  • There will also be a multi-melta which will become a BT vehicle option. It’ll replace the stubber on Primaris vehicles.
  • Emperor’s Champion can give invul save through an Aura.
  • Crusaders can deal lots of mortal wounds.

So obviously there are some big tells here and from the timestamp, it looks like this was all spot on, and probably very close to what we’ll see from a new Black Templars as the reveals of both the new Grimaldus and Helbrecht have pretty much confirmed the rest…

Black Templars Are Getting More Tools To Purge

black templar flamerBehold the Primaris Initiate with pyreblaster!

You might have noticed that the pyreblaster comes complete with a chain attaching it to the warrior’s wrist in the traditional manner of the Black Templars – perhaps that’s a hint at what else is on the way. Or maybe this particular chap is just prone to misplacing his belongings.

That’s not all with this new reveal though, they also showed off the new weapons statline.

This Pyreblaster looks sweet! Assuming it is only a slight point increase compared to normal flamers, it will be awesome! If a terminator squad can take these players will be very happy. Being able to deep strike in and shoot auto-hitting flamers without moving is a huge bonus. Even if we ignore that potential, extra range on a flamer is just good because ya know, who doesn’t like auto hits?

Black Templars Vows Rules Revealed by GW

Black Templars VowsLong-term squires of the Chapter may remember these from when the heirs of Sigismund first burst onto the scene in Warhammer 40,000’s third edition. Well, Templar Vows are back and more binding than ever! Let’s learn a bit more about them.

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The vows feel pretty flavorful with a drawback that comes with each one. Let’s check out what they can do.

Black Templars Vows 2

If you want to channel the unrelenting aggression of the Black Templars, choose to Accept Any Challenge, No Matter the Odds. The ability to ensure that your units are always gaining an additional attack and improving the AP of their melee weapons by 1 is a formidable combination. You may lose the tactical flexibility of being able to Fall Back, but that’s less of an issue when your enemies all lie in pieces at your feet.

Always grabbing the Combat Doctrine when you’re in melee is really sweet. Then, on top of that, you get an extra attack, which makes them quite the powerful combat army. Not being able to Fall Back though is honestly a pretty big disadvantage.

Maybe if you just go full combat and no tanks, this might be the way to go. It could be annoying though to have a unit tied up for multiple rounds. This feels pretty fair with a decent drawback.

Abhor the Witch, Destroy the Witch

Black Templars Vows 3

A throwback to the classic ability to rush towards the nearest Psyker at the start of the game, this Templar Vow enables you to close the distance on your chosen quarry at a terrifying pace. That’s a Move characteristic of 17″ for an Outrider Squad, which could well be the edge they need to get a turn-one charge. And if there’s a Psyker in the way, even better!

We’re not sure how much play this will see (unless against a couple of armies), just for the fact it’s only once per game, then a Psyker can stop your actions. While running your Outriders into combat on the first turn is sweet, it doesn’t do much after that.

Well, unless you’re playing something like Grey Knights or Tzeentch, you will be rerolling a whole lot of ones in combat! So if your opponents always play those armies, you’re going to love this one.

New Black Templars Relic Bearers 40k Rules

relic bearersBy swearing vows to a Chaplain on the eve of battle, a Black Templar can become an honoured Relic Bearer. This commitment demonstrates the warrior’s unspeakable devotion to the Emperor, and it lets you field a powerful piece of wargear. 

Well, this makes a Chaplain basically a must for every Black Templars army. Getting relics on 4 units in your game is just really strong, even if they don’t do that much, it’s better than nothing.

relic bearers 2You may recall the tasty upgrade sprue we previewed when we introduced you to the rest of the Black Templars. If you want to go a step further – like every good Black Templar should – you can use one of these upgrades to single out your Relic-bearing miniature on the tabletop. 

For those of you picking up the upgrade kit, this is just super sweet to be able to have the conversion bits to make all your relics. Just remember, if you do use them, be sure to put them in the right squads!

Holy Orb

relic bearers 3

Those who remember the earliest incarnations of the Black Templars will be familiar with Holy Orbs, masterpieces of arcane ordnance which combine explosives with the most sacred of ointments. When these Relics blow up in the face of a heretic, they’re getting more than a splash of holy water thrown at them.

While this is once per game, this is pretty powerful. D3 Mortal wounds is nice, but forcing a unit to fight last is big. If you have a couple of units in combat and don’t want either of them to be hit before they can hit back, this solves that problem. Basically, you can pick one unit attack first, then your opponent can’t strike back with the other one before you get to.

Icon of Heinmann

relic bearers 4Also among these Relics is the Icon of Heinmann. This symbol carried into battle by the late Castellan Heinmann represents his stubbornness in the face of utter defeat. On the tabletop, it reduces incoming Armour Penetration, allowing Characters to shrug off rending blows.

This is perfect for a unit you need to survive from smaller weapons with high volume. With all the weapons picking up AP, this becomes super strong and your opponent will have to focus more heavy fire on the unit, or just shoot way more -1 or -2AP weapons at them.

It looks like some of these relics will be available in the new upgrade set that is rumored to be dropping in November along with the rest of the Black Templar kits, not in the Army Launch Box.

Black Templars Upgrade Kit

black templars sword brethren 8To represent this look across all of your army, you can get your hands on an upgrade frame packed full of details you can add to your regular Primaris Space templars sword brethren 9

Outfit any Adeptus Astartes squad with custom pauldrons, cover your Assault Intercessors with honorific ribbons, and equip a Repulsor with a multi-melta – a weapon that the Templars favour for its ferocity.  

Overall it’s a great time to be a loyalist and an even worse time to be a heretic!  Need more on everything Black Templars? Here are the latest rules previews for these crusaders!

All the Latest on the New Black Templars

Do you like the new relics? Are you going to grab the launch box?

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