New Buggies, Trukks, & Trakks: Latest Ork Rumors & Previews

By Rob Baer | August 15th, 2018 | Categories: Orks, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

ork buggy wal

Orks are in the spotlight currently despite the announce of Space Wolves getting support later this month. Check out the latest Speed Freeks pics and more.

Ork players are getting geared up for Orktober with their codex being right around the corner and Speed Freeks being previewed. Check out the latest rumors from the Green Tide and try not to let your jaw drop when you see the new buggy.

Let’s dive into the latest overall on the Orks!

Ork Rumors

Ghazghkull orks hor wal

BoLS posted a rumor a while back about what was coming to the Orks in 8th edition.

Industry rumormongers say to look for the following:

  • Look for the Orks to return about a year after 8th Edition arrived.
  • The Orks will return to the game in a major way with a large release.
  • There will be advancing storylines putting the Orks in the post great rift Imperium in a big way.
  • Multiple new kits are coming.
  • Many existing units will be changed substantially from their current rules.

Ghazghkull Rework


On top of that, Chapter Master Valrak had some word to say about a new model coming to the Orks in a video on YouTube.

I’ve been sent some information regarding Orks and their upcoming codex for 8th Edtion. Apparently, they will be getting new kits and a big push with the new story. Now I’ve personally heard that Prime Orks are going to be a thing for them, remember, bring your SALT!

ork wal

He also posted on Bolter and Chainsword talking about Ghazghkull getting a new model. He called him the “Prime-Ork”.

Ghazz is going to receive a new model, prime Ork. New models on release of codex.

Q: Where is this information from? Wonder if it will be mentioned tomorrow, GW posted they were revealing some information tomorrow if I recall.

A: I have a chap that sends me stuff, the last thing he sent me was Knight Codex information about a week or two before GW announced it. Again I have to state, bring your SALT!

Apparently, Ghazghkull is going to be the only model getting the “Prime” status. More rumors could pop up between now and their release so who knows what other units Orks might be getting?

In keeping up with the lore, some of Orks have been fighting almost constantly against Tyranid Hive Fleets on various planets. We all know that Orks get bigger the more they fight. Maybe we could see some bigger Orks come from those battles against the Tyranids.

New 40k Orks Speed Freeks Box Set Spotted

Images of the Speek Freeks box were spotted on a site called Stepping Between Games, and they had more to say along with the pictures as well:

orks speed freaks orks speed freaks

New kits supposedly include:
  • buggies,
  • trukks,
  • trakks,
  • bikes,
  • boyz and
  • nobz.
It’s out next for 40k releases, after the just announced GSC Vs Space Wolf box, but before GSC codex and new minis
If you didn’t know it, Speed Freeks was/is a game you can play on IOS.

A Peek Inside Speed Freeks

It looks like we’ve got a sneak peak of what’s inside the Speed Freeks box. Spotted in the comments on Spikey Bits Hobbies.

speed freeks
GW seems to be favoring the colored plastic kits for all of their box sets lately. Take a look at the sprues inside Speed Freeks for yourself.
speed freeks 2

Looks like there are a ton of different bases for this box as well I guess good for a box that may contain all the models listed above?

Keep an eye out for the very latest on this HOT release.

Shortly after these pictures surfaced, Warhammer Community released this video showing some of the new models:

After 21 years, the Orks are finally getting an upgrade to their machinery. They needed a tune-up and they’ve definitely gotten one.

speed freek vid 1

speed freek vid 2

speed freek vid 3

speed freek vid 4

This is only one vehicle from the Speed Freeks box and the detail is out of this world. We’ve still got things like bikes to see if the rumor holds true. Who knows how good they’ll look.

New Buggies, Trukks, & Trakks: Latest Ork Rumors & Previews

Let’s break down the other sprues inside the box and see what clues they may hold:

speed freeks

What appears to be another Orky vehicle of some kind can be seen on the right in yellow, with four wheels and guns galore. It has what looks to be two-part tires with one set wider than the other. The chassis may appear in the middle left of the sprue, with exhausts and the undercarriage where the wheels attach in the fore. To the right of that Dakka galore with what appears to be missile racks as well. Above it is some sort of rickey planking or rails in brown or black plastic too.

speed freek vid 3

In red is the new warbuggy from the video with molded fenders around its wheels, and a gun copula too boot. Above that, another yellow sprue with more wheels can clearly be seen as well.  Perhaps strong evidence that the new box will indeed have:

Buggies, Trukks, and Trakks


Thanks to the hard work of all of the Meks at GW, Orks will be ready to bring the pain at high-speed this Orktober. Will you be running an army of these bad boys when they come out? What do you think of the model?

Have you heard any other Ork rumors through the Grapevine? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

codex orks space wolves

Latest News & Rumors coming to 40k