NEW DAEMONS – Decurion Pictures Arrive!

By Rob Baer | February 11th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

daemonette close up

The rumor dam is breaking, come see the first pics of the new Daemon Decurion out of the Curse of the Wulfen book that’s coming to stores this weekend!

Images via Captain Citadel 2-10-2016

daemon decurion daemon decurion

Daemonic Incursion – The Daemon Decurion

So this looks to line up with what Lucuiban was talking about earlier in the week for the Daemons, however it’s great to finally see the English translation.


Models that are able to purchase Rewards, can purchase an (and only one) Artifact as well for the point cost.


Daemonic Incursion (Daemon Decurion)

Basic 1+
Aux: 1+

Basic: Murderhorde, Warpflame Host, Tallyband, Flayertroupe
Command: 1 Daemon Lord (Great Daemons or DP), Infernal Tetrad
Aux: The rest of the formations

Special rules:
– Demonic corruption: Objective tokens count always as controlled, if at least they were controlled by a Demon unit before. This Works even if the unit is destroyed.
– Warp unleashed: Re-roll instability
– Demonic Power: +1 or -1 to the Warp Storm table after rolling

So there it is, more Daemon rules for a willing and very anxious player base. From the GW preview earlier today it looks like the “D”- Thirster will also be in this book as well, complete with reward upgrades!

Curse of the Wulfen New Rules Roundup

(Click for info throughout the day)

To know the Daemon, you must study the Daemon…
Wulfen Are People Too – Long War Episode 37