New Dark Angels Primaris Ezekiel Model Hidden in Plain Sight

Chaos-rumors-title-hor-wal-1280-site-warhammer-40k-games-workshop1Games Workshop loves to hide new releases in plain sight, and this time, it may be a new Primaris Ezekiel model for the Dark Angels! 

These are purely rumors, but if you look closely at a recent picture from GW, there is a model in there that looks a lot like a new Ezekiel miniature. However, it could always be a kit-bashed model or a new Librarian. So, while we have a decent look at it, take it with as much salt as you need.  Either way, it would make sense for him to come out with the range refresh of Dark Angels (and could be an excellent little addition to the LVO Previews).

Hidden in Plain Sight: New Dark Angels Ezekiel Model

The (possible) Ezekiel model was spotted in a picture from Warhammer Community.

New Dark Angels Ezekiel 2

When you first look at the picture, nothing may jump out as being new or hidden at first. However, when you look in the upper left, there is a model that caught our eye!

New Dark Angels EzekielFirst off, we want to say Ezekiel because it would be cool to have a new model and the splashes of blue and that pose that stand out.

Current Finecast Ezekiel Model

Ezekiel is the Chief Librarian of the Dark Angels and is also known as the Grand Master of Librarians, Keeper of the Book of Salvation, and Holder of the Keys. It would make sense for them to update him now, as he’s quite an old model. Plus, with so much getting updated for the Dark Angels, it would seem strange for him not to get updated now. Because if not now, when will they do it?

The model in the zoomed-in image above has the same blue with the green shoulder pad, the same posing, and plenty of laurels. Two more curious things are a book and keys on his waist. It’s hard to tell, but one thing that seems missing is the banner (unless it’s blending into the background).

Is GW Just Being Creative?

New Dark Angels Ezekiel 4

This could also be a kitbashed librarian based on the Phobos one, with a different backpack and arms to get this posing (or it could always be kitbashed from the new Inner Circle models). Either way, there have been rumors of a new normal librarian for Dark Angels, so it might not be a kit-bash or Ezekiel, just a new Dark Angels librarian.  New Librarian models could even be what the other two models are behind the rumored Ezekiel, as they do not look like the new fully-robed companion models.  At this stage, it’s hard to tell, but with LVO right around the corner, we might know quite soon!

Click Here For The All The New Dark Angels Releases

What do you think of the new Librarian model? Do you think it’s Ezekiel, a kit-bash, or a new Librarian? 

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