FAKE RUMORS ALERT: 40k Primaris Terminators

deathwing walFake Rumor Alert! Everyone loved the idea of new Primaris terminators or just new 40k in general, however, it looks like this was just a vicious hoax.

Originally spotted on Twitter, close-up shots of what looked to clearly be some Deathwing Terminators we making the rounds yesterday.  However, there were a few questions that pretty much everyone in the hobby community had. With GW’s growing Primaris trend, what did Deathwing Terminators have anything to do with where 40k is going? etc.

FAKE RUMORS ALERT: 40k Primaris Terminators

deathwing terminator hoaxSpotted on Twitter, we saw images of what looked like two Deathwing Terminators. One with a storm bolter and one with lightning claws. The way that the images hit the internet, it almost looked like they were a part of some kind of card with digital effects thrown in. You can really see it the way the lightning claw Termie has a white highlight around his entire body.

40k Combat Cards (Online)

It’s really not far off from the art style of the current 40k online card game, Warhammer Combat Cards. However, after doing some searching, they didn’t seem to match up exactly with anything we had seen that game yet.

warhammer combat cards

This week’s new releases did in fact feature two “Angels of Death” on there, a Sanguinary Guard and Deathwing Terminator. Neither matched the rumor images, however…

online 40k card game 2

Image Credit: EllTee

online 40k card game 1

Image Credit: EllTee

Space Hulk Death Angel Card Game 

After some more digging it turns out, the rumored images are from a card game after all- just not anything new.

deathwing terminator hoax 2Image Credit: Splanz Blog

The cards came from the old Fantasy Flight Death Angel card game, specifically from the Deathwing expansion. We’ve highlighted the cards in red out of the card set. You can see they’re an exact matchup.

death angel game

Image Credit: Splanz Blog

Looks like somebody may have been trying stir the rumor pot, and just zoomed in on the the cards and blurred them out.

What Was Death Angel?

Coming from Boardgame Geek, Space Hulk: Death Angel was a physical card game back from 2011.

space hulk death angelSpace Marine Packs introduce brand new combat teams to your game, ready to blast their way into the carnage that is Death Angel.

The Space Marine Pack 1 comes complete with two new Combat Teams and their respective Action cards. The deadly Chaplain Raziel brings his ironclad faith to the fight while Brother Adron readies his Cyclone Missile Launcher for absolute devastation. These new Combat Teams can be seamlessly incorporated into your Death Angel games to provide more versatility and more options.

Also included in the Space Marine Pack 1 are 8 Combat Team cards, which replace the original 6 Combat Team markers from the Death Angel game, making it easier to randomise and select your teams.

The game was designed to have you and your friends explore a Space Hulk on a card platform with up to six players. While the game is starting to get some age to it, you can still actually buy the cards online for those interested.

Just don’t go looking on Fantasy Flight Game’s site because you won’t find them there. You’ll more than likely have to go into the secondary markets like eBay.

If these rumors had been true, would a new GW Terminator release have been something you looked forward to? Are Aggressors just the new Primaris version of a Terminator? Did you play the Death Angel game back in the day?

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