Desert Ogre Heads Arrive From Victoria Miniatures

Ogre Heads Feature rVictoria Miniatures have some amazing Ogryn minis, now you can turn them into desert troopers with the new desert Ogre heads!

Victoria Miniatures has been giving us tons of awesome human variants to play with on the tabletop. If you’ve been looking to spruce up your Guard army, look no further. Your Guard army will stand above the rest with these awesome minis. But it’s not enough to just have great Ogres, might as well upgrade them with even cooler heads! If you want to see what their normal Ogres look like, check out Rob’s video on them here.

These models make for the perfect Guard stand-in, but you can use them in tons of game systems as well. There’s a certain planet we are thinking of for these. If you guessed Tallarn, you guessed correctly! Let’s hop into the bits!

Desert Ogre Heads $9.99

desert OGRE headsThe set comes with three amazing heads, perfect to pair with their Ogre Mud Crushers. While Tallarn hasn’t gotten much love from GW in a long time, doesn’t mean you can’t keep your collection growing! This is just one of the amazing sets they have. If you want to see what else they have going on, check it out here.

If you don’t have anything to put these on, check out the original Ogre kit below.

Ogre Mud Crunchers: $59.99

OGRE-SquadWe would not want to cross these Ogres, whether on the battlefield or in a bar! These beautifully sculpted minis make the perfect alternative Ogryn Squad.

Ogre-squad bitsAll the bits you get with these minis. The guns alone are bigger than mortars! Here are the specs on the kit:

3x Ogre Bodies.
3x Ogre Right arms with Guns.
3 Ogre Left Arms.
3x Ogre Heads.
3x 40mm round plastic slotta bases.

That does it for this one! don’t let your Ogres look like bums any longer!

Get Your Ogre Desert Heads Here!