New Full Sized Titan Spotted From Forge World

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Don’t miss this one. We break down the awesome new Forge World Warlord Nemesis titan for full-scale Titan for Warhammer 40k that GW just revealed!

We had heard of the possibility of a new titan coming, just a few weeks ago but the teaser was more referring to Adeptus Titanicus than full-scale Warhammer 40k. But anything is still possible for AT when the advent of 3D modeling.

Check out everything that GW teased recently about new Titans:

New Titan Classes

Chaos Warhound

A new “Class” of Titans may be coming to the game in the near future. They mentioned a new Scout-Class Titan being between a Knight and Warhound Titan in size that was “in-play” as well as new Reaver class, and briefly mentioned the Imperator-class as well…

Psi Titans Mentioned

psi titan

Titan pilots aren’t immune to being sensitive to powers of the Warp. Every now and then, a Titan Pilot could be a fully-fledged Psyker sitting in the cockpit of a huge Warmachine. What’s to stop him from blasting something with Psychic energy?

We saw these rules in Horus Heresy book V Tempest for a Psi-Warlord, and this idea is very much “in play” for Titancius.

Warbringer Nemesis Titan

Games Workshop just made this huge reveal at the Vigilis Open that has some major implications for both games of 40k, and Adeptus Titanicus!

The Warbringer Nemesis Titan is a new class of god-machine armed with an artillery piece capable of transforming your chosen grid coordinates into a white-hot crater. This massive engine of destruction has been designed to look right at home alongside its brethren. It is our most detailed yet, with a crewed upper deck featuring a spotter, a loader and a massive, revolver-style loading mechanism for the main gun:

Hobby Hero Garro was on the scene at the Vigilus Open as well and he got way more pictures of this beauty that we can use to make some bold conclusions about it’s design!


Comparing the WHC Nemesis to the one above shows us a few things. First, it looks like it will already have multiple weapon options available to it on release or shortly thereafter.  Second it also appears that some 3D wizardry and weapon porting is happening.

From these pictures, it appears that the Melta Cannon, Titan Laser Blaster, and Gatling Blaster look to be direct ports over from the Reaver titan, right down to the socket that the Reaver uses that differ from the Warlord:

The sockets on the Gatling Blaster (left) and Laser Blaster (Right) appear to be the same as the Reaver

Furthermore, it looks like the Volcano cannon that is also pictured above has been re-designed to appear more like the Bellicosa Warlord version, than the existing Reaver’s:

The top weapon is undoubtedly the long-awaited Quake Cannon of myth, that appears very well done in this preview:

We would predict pricing on this model will be about the same as the Warlord, even with the Reaver’s arms only being $93. The top Quake cannon and possible “AA” guns, along with a more open design possibly making up the cost difference in weapons.

If you are wondering where this new class of Titan may have “suddenly” appeared from, it has actually been a part of the Collegica Titanicus for a while along with the Eclipse, Nightgaunt, and Death Bringer Warlord classes. The Warlord Sinister Psi-Titan is actually a whole separate pattern of titan, but after seeing the model above, I would like to believe we could now see it available as a full-scale model sooner rather than later.

Via Lexicanum:

The Nemesis Class Titan is fielded if brute power is required. These machines excel in long-range firepower and siege warfare but possess poor manuverability. Usually foregoing close-ranged weapons, they sometimes will nonetheless field a single Titan Close Combat Weapon to discourage any deepstrikes by enemy forces. Nemesis Warlords are typically equipped with a mix of Quake CannonsVolcano CannonsInferno GunsPlasma Destructors, and Apocalypse Missile Launchers.  The Nemesis is sometimes considered an Emperor class titan alongside the Imperator and Warmonger, presumably because of its focus on heavier firepower

titan family warhammer world Forge World wal hor

Now, as we said above, this may just open the door for the fabled Warlord sinister PSI-Titan, and smaller in between classes and variants that we had never even dreamt of seeing before, but from the teasers may just be “in play” to get models now!

Remember the first Tiny Titan from years ago?

Perhaps best of all, now that they have the 3D renders for the Nemesis-class, we could see it on the table tops of Adeptus Titanicus, and new full-scale variant very easily now as well!

Which Titan design are you hoping for next?  Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

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