New Genestealer Teaser Shows Off Tyranid Weapons!

By Rob Baer | September 22nd, 2016 | Categories: Genestealer Cults, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

tyranids eternal crusade

The new Genestealer cult teaser is here from Games Workshop featuring the weapons of the Tyranids. Don’t miss this one!

Were the rumors were true? Are getting new models like a “limo” and Leman Russ? Come see the newest teaser on the Genestealer Cult from Games Workshop.

Source: Games Workshop (Facebook)

The day of reckoning draws near.
Find out more this weekend.

genestealer cult rumors teaser pictures

Looks like a Lashwhip and bonesword to me?


Lashwhip and bonesword from the Hive Tyrant kit

Pretty cool to see new weapon options (which mean probably new model sculpts) On the way for Genestealer cults. Two more days until pre-orders, what will you be down for?

Complete Wave One Release List in USD: 

  • Codex: Genestealer Cult –$50
  • Datacards: Genestealer Cult – $13.5
  • Dice: Genestealer Cult $20
  • How To Paint: Genestealer Cult $10
  • Genestealer Cult Acolyte Hybrids $50
  • Genestealer Cult Neophyte Hybrids $50
  • Legends Genestealer Cults (Novel) $24
  • Genestealer Cults Limited Edition $195 

Genestealer Rumor Roundup

Venerate the Four Armed Emperor


Previous Teasers:


genestealer codex new cults

A miniature version on the way?

Behind the Shadows:

genestealer cults new vehicles

The background appears to reveal a turret similar to the Taurox with viewports around a central hatch.

So it’s looking like Genestealer cult will be getting a new “limo” model from the animated video teaser and perhaps access to the mighty Leman Russ as well!

14355186_1687896608197638_7793152202740002432_n - Copy

And for you sleuths out there- I removed the shadows looking for new model clues to reveal what looks to be new art in the background. However the model with the rotary saw has been opaqued out of the image behind it’s shadow. Sorry folks, GW’s hivemind has adapted to my sleuthing…


Genestealer Rumor Roundup

Rejoice children of the void!

The Story Thus Far:

The day of reckoning draws near.
Find out more this weekend.



Complete Release List in USD: (“new” items in Red)

  • Codex: Genestealer Cult –$50
  • Datacards: Genestealer Cult – $13.5
  • Dice: Genestealer Cult $20
  • How To Paint: Genestealer Cult $10
  • Genestealer Cult Acolyte Hybrids $50
  • Genestealer Cult Neophyte Hybrids $50
  • White Dwarf October 2016 $9
  • Warhammer Quest Arcane Heroes $55
  • Warhammer Quest Silver Tower Hero Cards $25
  • Legends Genestealer Cults (Novel) $24
  • Genestealer Cults Limited Edition $195 ( I mean let’s face it we assumed this was coming regardless)

Looks like another Genestealer cult is in full swing as Games Workshop had another teaser for us over the weekend. This time however there is more to go on for all the citizens of the Imperium!

Source Games Workshop 

The Insidious Curse.

Crawling out from the cold, dank corners of the Imperial underworld come the Genestealer Cults. Secretive, stealthy, and utterly malignant, they are the cankers growing unseen in the hidden spaces of Humanity’s realm.

genestealer codex new cults

It’s Coming!

genestealer codex new cults

Old Favorites Returning?

genestealer codex new cults

Possible New Vehicle?

genestealer codex new cults

The End.

Overall this teaser looks great. I imagine that from the images of armored soldiers and vehicle that we will in fact see cult soldiered models,  just like we saw a drop pod in the Deathwatch teaser video that was indeed later released as well.

Will we see Genestealer cults (and perhaps more importantly new soldier models) coming next week? Only time and the four armed Emperor will tell….

Genestealer Rumor Roundup

The final hour approaches!

genestealer patriarch-horz

All we have to go by is a gargled transmission but it looks like Tyranids are coming! What do you guys think?

First Deathwatch and now… Genestealer cults???


Source: Warhammer TV

So that’s it! Be sure to add a pinch of salt to taste…

GW’s 2016 Release Roadmap