New GW Chaos Daemonkin Rules & Traits CONFIRMED

new wal hor Chaos Getting Their Own Primaris Sized Models Now!

New Chaos Daemonkin rules were confirmed by Games Workshop today with a few more reveals that we hadn’t seen yet. Don’t miss the latest from Shadowspear!

Warhammer Community revealed a handful of new rules coming to the Daemonkin support in Shadowspear. Check out some of the stats and rules for the units!

Obliterators Firepower Goes Up

shadowspear obliterators

obliterator stats

Looking at the key changes on the stat sheet given to us by Warhammer Community, the fleshmetal guns were upgraded to assault 6. This means that’ll be 12 whole (possibly S9)  shots using the shoot twice stratagem for the Obliterators with the Mark of Slaanesh!

And if your Obliterators get tied up into melee combat, they know how to put the smackdown on the enemy. Thanks to their crushing fists, they can actually hold their own against some light-medium armored units.

Greater Possessed are Possessed Lords

shadowspear possessed

greater possessed 2

full stat sheet that made rounds on the internet earlier on

Greater Possessed are essentially Primaris Possessed. They are bigger and stronger versions of Vanilla Possessed. Now, Possessed have been given a bad reputation in 8th edition as being regarded as overcosted. However, Possessed might actually become worth it with a few Greater Possessed in your ranks.

These guys are characters so they can’t be targetted by conventional methods of shooting. They can shred a squad of infantry if they make it into melee, and they add +1 strength to Legion Daemon units around them!

Venomcrawler’s Shooting Weapons & Stat Sheet

shadowspear venomcrawle





Warhammer Community’s preview of the Venomcrawler’s ranged weapons seems to have confirmed the stat sheet that was spotted floating around the web a while back as well. Being a Daemon Engine, it’ll get weaker and weaker the more you crush its will to live!

Master of Possession Rules

chaos sorcerer


master of possession stat

With all the talk of Daemonkin, we thought you might want to see the rules for their new master coming inside Shadowspear.

New Daemonkin Warlord Traits

master of possession

Of course, GW wouldn’t stop Chaos support at new psychic powers. They’re also giving the Daemonkin their own Warlord Traits!

warp lord

The Master of Possession is more prone to suffering a Perils of the Warp by taking mortal wounds on any roll of a double. If you want to increase the chances of getting your psychic powers to go off as well as mitigating any potential mortal wounds, you might want to take the Warp Lord Warlord Trait.

devoourer of magic

Looking at another Warlord Trait, the Devourer of Magic trait lets you deny an additional psychic power from the enemy. Your Warlord also gains a lost wound if he successfully denies it, feeding off of the energy from the Warp.

With some of the Daemonkin rules confirmed, what do you think the points cost of the units will be? How many Warlord Traits will we have to choose from in the mini codex? Which Warlord Trait seems more powerful to you? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.