New GW Previews Announced for Warhammer 40k, AoS & More at LVO 2023

gw-previews-new-warhammerNew GW previews are coming at LVO 2023 this week, and new models will be revealed for 40k, AoS, Horus Heresy, and more!

The preview is quite late this time around (or early if you’re in the UK or Europe) and covers everything. We’ll publish everything with our commentary, so you can just check back in the morning if you cannot look at it that night!

LVO 2023 GW Previews Announced for Warhammer 40k, AoS & More

They promised minis will get revealed for six games, and we have at least an idea of what will be this time, thanks to the shrouded preview minis from the New Year’s preview.

Let’s take a closer look at the upcoming preview from Warhammer Community at LVO 2023!

LVO 2023 GW previews

If you’re stateside, tune in on Thursday the 26th of January at 10pm PST. In the UK, that’s 6am GMT on Friday the 27th of January. That’s early, but it’ll be worth it! If you’re at the event itself, doors for your preview open at 8:30pm. Congratulations, you get to see it all first!

This is actually quite late for the east coast of the USA, as they don’t even start until 1 AM there! So, it might be better to wake up to the news. For the UK, it’s pretty early but doable.

LVO 2023 GW previews 2These are the six games promised for reveals, and we have an idea, at least for a few of them.

Possible New Warhammer 40k Previews at LVO 2023

LVO 2023 GW previews 3

You won’t have long to wait to find out who in all of Warhammer would own an R-VR Cyber-mastiff such as this.

They actually showed this off in the LVO preview post itself, and we have a guess what this will be paired with, perhaps the Arbites that look to have a silhouette below?

Warhammer 40k 2023 minis 4This is what we thought looked like an Arbites, and with the cyber-pup, it more or less confirms this!

Warhammer 40k 2023 minis

Next up, we’ve heard so much about this new Space Marine unit through rumors, so it would only make sense to see it actually revealed at LVO! If you want to read the rumors, you can here. There were also 3 more shrouded pictures, but for right now, these seem like the most likely, but check out the others below.

Warhammer 40k 2023 minis 2

Our look ahead at the Arks of Omen series revealed a fourth book lurking beyond the shadows, its details shrouded by decree of the Ordo Xenos. What dreadful alien threat could cause such drastic action to be taken, so far beyond the Imperium’s sight?

Talking about Xenos, this looks like it would be something for, Tau, Eldar, or maybe if GW gets crazy, an Exodite Army even (check out the rumors here)! Exodites are sort of like Eldar, who left before the fall and are much more in tune with nature. 

Or perhaps it’s none other than Commander Farsight getting that 2020’s glow-up like so many other characters…

Warhammer 40k 2023 minis 3

Speaking of space hulks… Kill Team! Now that the Shadowvaults have been cracked wide open, it’s time to speculate about Soulshackle – the mysterious next expansion set. We know quite a few factions who’d love to get their hands on some tasty mortal souls, but how many of them have experience fighting in the bowels of a space hulk?

Who likes souls and capturing people? Dark Eldar! We would love to see some new minis for them, but there is also a chance this is for the Corsairs, but everything screams Dark Eldar here. These were the three images showcased by Games Workshop, but there were two more models in the video they didn’t discuss.

Warhammer 40k 2023 minis 5This sneaky fellow could be a rework for Snikrot or any Kommando, but it definitely looks Orky, and we would love to see a new Snikrot model for sure!

New Age of Sigmar Previews

AoS Roadmap 2023 7Don’t worry; the picture quality improves after this one and is a little less shrouded. Honestly, any guess is going to be quite a leap with this one…

AoS Roadmap 2023Next up, this basically just confirms Seraphon because what else could this be? Basically, nothing! So, notch one of those books up for the faction!

AoS Roadmap 2023 4This one looked like yet another miniature for Seraphon, so they might be getting a pretty big rework in 2023! We’ve heard a lot of talk about Seraphon, so it would make sense for them to get some huge previews!

New Horus Heresy Miniatures For 2023

HH is the only game where we’ve actually seen some of the models revealed already, so there are only a few pics left to go over.

HOrus-Heresy-coming-2023GW just previewed what we can look forward to for Horus Heresy in 2023 along with some shrouded new minis- check it out!

Horus Heresy 2023

But that’s not all we saw – what could some more of these hints be? More armoured firepower? Perhaps some high-speed reinforcements? That gentleman seems to be holding a fancy stick, and only Space Marines of a decidedly mystical nature tend to carry those into battle…

While you can’t see the details, it’s obvious this is most likely the Legion Scimitar Pattern Bike, perhaps being redone in  plastic finally like the majority of the other Horus Heresy vehicles from Forge World.

Horus Heresy 2023 2This looks a lot like it could be a Daemon of some kind or possibly another assassin joining the ranks.

Horus Heresy 2023 3Well, they already said only people with psychic powers carry a staff like this, but with the Council of Nikea banning psykers it’s hard to say what this could be.

HH previewTo us, this looks like the Cerebus (Typhon Spartan variant). We’ve already seen them adding new variants to the Spartan, chassis so this would make sense for them to keep it going. 


What do you want to see at the LVO 2023 GW Previews? Are you excited about the new shrouded pictures??

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