New GW Products Spotted For 2020: 40k Terrain, Warcry & More

question chaos marine hor walDon’t miss this lineup of more new products are on the way from GW for 2020. From new Warcry Warbands to 40k terrain and more, check out the latest!

Coming from a user named Xavi Arnau on Miniwars, a screenshot of what looks to be something like a shipping manifesto has been spotted. With three surprise products noted in the pic, two are easily distinguishable.

Surprise Products Spotted: Warcry Warbands, 40k Terrain & More

GW shipping manifesto products

Looking at this surprise product sheet, it looks like there are three main releases on the way:

  • More 40k terrain
  • Some kind of printed book- maybe more Psychic Awakening?
  • The 2nd wave of Warcry Warband card packs.

40k Terrain Reprint?

kt ruins


ruin frame


ruin frame 2

For the 40k terrain, it looks like this COULD BE a second printing of the earlier Kill Team modular terrain.

Could the Mystery Book Be Psychic Awakening?

ritual of the damned spoiler christmas 2019 40k


Psychic awakening map

For the mystery book spotted in the listing, this could be the next book to release for Psychic Awakening, which was announced at Warhammer Open Day 2019.

We should look for Thousand Sons, Grey Knights, and Dark Angels next!

Even More Warbands Come to Warcry


Of all the Warbands listed, it looks like the other half of AoS factions, including Bonereapers and Ogors, are making their way into Warcry.


If you remember, we already saw the first cycle of Warband cards right around the time of Warcry’s release. However, they didn’t stick around too long as they were part of a limited release. If these products spotted above are true, be sure to grab your faction’s cards if you want to play the game. Otherwise, you might have a harder time finding them once they’re gone.

With all of this spotted, what are your thoughts on what could be next? Will you pick up Warcry if they release a card pack for your faction?

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