New Heresy Box Pics SPOTTED – 48 Page Rulebook

By Rob Baer | October 29th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

horus heresy box cover

Another person got their hands on the Horus Heresy box set today, this time in England. Checkout the new pictures of the 48 page booklet that comes in the Horus Heresy Starter!

Via Millest.

The game play book is fairly long but still only maybe 40-50pages and is done in a very nice forge world style that gives it that more grown up feeling of the current hh stuff.
Haven’t taken too many pics as don’t want to get the guys up here in trouble for letting me see it so no rules I’m afraid
So there you have it. One of the nicest boxes in a while and some good looking stuff.

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So it looks like the earlier rumors were sorta true about a black rulebook similar to the existing Horus Heresy line from Forge World. From these pictures it looks more like fluff and rules for this boxed game than anything else.

Either way this box set still is look very exciting and full of value as well.

And if you’re not sold yet that you need this box in your life, checkout the values on these kits if you bought them from Forge World.

So keeping that in mind lets break down the retail pricing from Forge World:

  • Artificier Armor Centurion, Cataphractii Terminator Praetor  £31.50 For the set of two
  • Mk IV Maximus Marine Squad (x10) £46 plus £23 for the bolters
  • Mk IV Maximus Marine Squad (x10) £46 plus £23 for the bolters
  • Mk IV Maximus Marine Squad (x10)£46 plus £23 for the bolters
  • Cataphractii Terminator Squad (x5) £34 ea
  • Contemptor Dreadnought  £32 ea (minus arms), plus £9.5 an arm x4

At those prices this box set comes out to a total of £348 which equals out to about


And that was the old prices before the recent “stealth” price adjustment that was reported this week!  Whether you play Heresy or not, you may not want to pass up a deal like this from Games Workshop.

Betrayal At Calth Roundup

All this is coming your way on November 14!


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