New Horus Heresy Pre-Orders Lineup & Pricing CONFIRMED!

sicaran-new-next-weel-horus-heresyHere is the confirmed pricing for all the new Horus Heresy pre-orders, including the Sicaran, Leviathan, Spartan, and more!

Get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these pre-orders from Games Workshop that will go up for pre-order with your favorite retailers on Saturday, August 14th, 2022, around 1 pm EST! 

Tons of New Horus Heresy Pre-Orders Pricing CONFIRMED!

The pricing is a little lower than we expected, so we’re pleasantly surprised. These kits aren’t cheap, but we expected them to be higher than they are!

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Sicaran Battle Tank $80

Sicaran Battle Tank

One of the signature tanks of the Legiones Astartes, the Sicaran Battle Tank is swift and deadly – and will be available in plastic for the first time. Along with its eye-catching autocannon array, it comes with four different sets of sponson weapons and a choice of nine pintle-mounted guns, giving you the right tool for any job.

Tanks with firepower are always exciting to get your hands on, especially when it’s a unique model like the Sicaran.

Spartan Assault Tank $112

Spartan Assault Tank

Get your elite warriors into battle in style and safety with the rumbling Spartan Assault Tank. This massive transport can carry a whopping 26 troops right into the heart of battle, and comes with a variety of weapon and cosmetic options.

Speaking of tanks, the Spartan is the perfect option to transport your troops to the front lines.

Contemptor Dreadnought $60

Contemptor Dreadnought

The hulking Contemptor Dreadnought is an iconic unit for Space Marines in the Age of Darkness, and with good reason. This adaptable war machine can be armed to complement any playstyle – like to stand off and shoot? It can do that. Would you rather get up close and personal? No worries. Prefer a mix of both? The Contemptor has you covered.

Contemptor Dreadnought weapon sprue 1

The kit includes eight different guns and a pair of fists – and you’ll be able to pre-order the weapon frames separately, allowing you to double-up on the same weapon to assemble a specialist Dreadnought. One sprue contains an extra autocannon, bolt cannon, lascannon, and melta cannon, along with a spare fist and an extra pair of arms. 

Contemptor Dreadnought weapon sprue 2

Contemptor Dreadnoughts have always been one of the most popular Horus Heresy models, thanks to their flexibility and the previous viability in 40k!  Plus, you can get extra sprues via direct order to make your walkers the way you want!

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought $80

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought new

If the Contemptor is somehow not big enough for you, the Leviathan has got you covered. The close-combat variant is already available, and now its ranged brother is coming to bring devastation to the battlefields of the Age of Darkness. 

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought weapon sprue

The Leviathan Siege Dreadnought with Ranged Weapons comes with three different arm-mounted guns for you to choose from – and the ranged weapons frame is also available separately. Grab a sprue for your ranged Leviathan to double-up on guns, or combine it with the close combat frame to build the versatile Leviathan of your dreams.

Like the Contemptor, Leviathans also saw some play in 40k during previous editions, thanks to their significant firepower.  Also, just like them, you can order the weapons upgrade sprue just like the Close Combat version to customize it however you want.

If you missed our recent unboxing and magnetization tutorial for the CCW version, be sure to hit play on the video below.

Cataphractii Terminator Squad $85

Cataphractii Terminator Squad

Cataphractii Terminators are the elite infantry of the Legiones Astartes. Widely used by all Legions, they’re effective in melee and at range, and their heavy armour shrugs off all but the most massive enemy weaponry. While these hefty warriors were first deployed in the Horus Heresy, they can also be used as Relic Terminators in games of Warhammer 40,000.

These “old-era” Terminators are great! With the more medieval-like design, they might even be popular alternate minis for Iron Fist/Black Templar players.

Tartaros Terminator Squad $85

Tartaros Terminator Squad

More advanced than Cataphractii plate, Tartaros armour offers superior protection to power armour while sacrificing none of its mobility. Like their Cataphractii cousins, the Tartaros Terminators now come in boxes of 10, with a host of melee and ranged weapon options – and can also be fielded by Space Marines armies in the 41st Millennium.

Getting closer in design to 40k terminators, these are a good option if you like the design more. Of course, the rules are different for each in Horus Heresy, so keep that in mind)

Legion Praetors $33.50 Each

Legion Praetors

The two Praetors found in the Age of Darkness boxed set are available separately for the first time. One’s brandishing a sword, the other wields an axe, and both include a helmeted and bare head option. The miniatures feature no Legion-specific markings, so you can easily field them in any force.

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Horus Heresy praetors are always an exciting release as they are perfect stand-ins for any player of the factions as a chapter master or Sergeant, even in 40k!

Liber Mechanicum: Forces of the Omnissiah Army Book $50

Liber Mechanicum Forces of the Omnissiah Army Book

This is the first of the non-Astartes army books for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy. Inside, you’ll find all the rules and profiles you need to field an army of mechanical monstrosities, from lowly cyborg thralls to mighty robots – as well as the towering engines of the Questoris Households and Titan Legions. If you’re collecting a Mechanicum army, or plan to start, you’ll need a copy of this essential tome. It will be available as both a hardback and eBook.

The final release for Horus Heresy this week are some rules! Rules are always welcome as they change up the game without having to invest in a ton of new and expensive models for your forces.

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Hexbane’s Hunters $42

Hexbane’s Hunters

The newest warband for Warhammer Underworlds: Nethermaze belongs to the Order of Azyr, a shadowy organisation charged with purging evil across the Mortal Realms by any means necessary. Led by a witch-hunter, this aggressive warband uses faith and fast strikes (and a pair of dogs) to persecute their mission, and they grow stronger as their allies are picked off. Along with the miniatures, you’ll get a Rivals deck so you can get them on the tabletop straight away, plus universal cards which any warband can use.

We saw these guys a while ago, and just like most warbands, they are dripping with personality and uniqueness, making them perfect for hobbyists and players alike!

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Elven Union Dice $18 / Cards $30 / Pitch $50

Elven Union

The Elven Union is the latest team to be updated for the Second Season Edition of Blood Bowl. Their redesigned pitch gives them home-field advantage and includes special rules for the winds of magic blowing around the stadium. Ensure your luck stays in with the team dice, and easily keep track of your players using the team card pack.

This set is perfect for anyone playing the Elven team in Blood Bowl, so if you are or want to, pick this up!

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Outgunned $27


They say you should never meet your heroes. When Imperial propagandist Kile Simlex is sent to make a cinema-pict about legendary flying ace Lucille von Shard, he discovers she’s not quite what he expected. 

The new novel by Denny Flowers explores the lethal air war on the planet Bacchus, and is available in hardback, ebook, and audiobook formats.

Dark Imperium: Godblight $16

Dark Imperium Godblight

The epic story that began in Dark Imperium and continued in Dark Imperium: Plague War reaches its climax in Dark Imperium: Godblight. Roboute Guilliman fights his brother Mortarion, and the future of the entire galaxy lies in the balance.

Guy Haley’s novel is now coming out in paperback.

The Wraithbone Phoenix $16

The Wraithbone Phoenix

The latest Warhammer Crime novel follows Baggit and Clodde, the stars of Dredge Runners, as they seek to find the legendary treasure known as the Wraithbone Phoenix. Can they find it in time to pay off their debts and save their skins, or will someone cash in the bounty on their heads?

Alec Worley’s novel is available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook editions. 

Fabius Bile: Omnibus $21

Fabius Bile Omnibus

The legendary Fabius Bile struts his stuff in this omnibus, made up of the novels Primogenitor, Clonelord, and Manflayer, and the short stories Prodigal, A Memory of Tharsis, and Light of a Crystal Sun. 

It’s written by Josh Reynolds and is available in paperback and ebook formats.

Omnibuses are always a great value getting multiple books for much cheaper than otherwise!

Urdesh: The Magister and The Martyr $16

Urdesh The Magister and The Martyr

The follow up to Urdesh: The Serpent and the Saint focuses on the war-torn city of Ghereppan. Even though Saint Sabbat has brought about a miracle, there is still a war to be won – can the Iron Snakes Space Marines claim victory, or will they fall into a deadly trap?

Matthew’s Farrer’s novel is available in paperback for the first time.

Will you be picking any of these releases up? Did you expect the price to be higher?

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