5 New JOYTOY Space Marines Action Figures SPOTTED!

new-joytoy-action-figuresWhat looks to be five new 4″ JoyToy Space Marines (and one Chaos Marine) action figures were spotted and they look amazing!

It feels like just yesterday (because it was last week) that the first wave was spotted for pre-order in China. The first wave has some pretty standard marines that just look amazing, whereas wave 2 has all kinds of more specialized Marines and even a Chaos Space Marine!

We found these pics over on Fauxhammer, but it looks like he sourced them from this Facebook group. We’ll take a quick look at the first wave then jump into the leaked pics, let’s go!

First Wave

joytoy infiltrator officialAccording to the exchange rate on these, for the four models, the MSRP is about $90, which is pretty on par with their other figures. So as we said, it’s a little on the pricey side but not insane.

Joytoy ultramarines 6Here’s everything the new set comes with:

– Brother Pullo figure
– Brother Ruban figure
– Brother Sergeant Octavio
– Brother Cyrus
– Multiple accessories and weapons

Joytoy ultramarines 7They are very posable and just look so sweet. As you can see they have a bunch of accessories with each figure.

Joytoy ultramarines 8Again, the release date is late October, so really not too much longer now. They seem to have a ton of posing options as well, so can’t go wrong there.

Joytoy ultramarines 4When compared to the McFarlane figures, they are smaller, but actually a little cheaper when you consider you get four figures. Plus, the articulation on these is just off the charts.

New JOYTOY Space Marines & Chaos Action Figures SPOTTED!

Joytoy wave 2It looks like this is obviously a prototype as you can see all the different kinds of materials involved in the making of it. Still, the detail is on point and the articulation really looks to be there. The models start getting much more specialized after this!

Joytoy wave 2 1The Librarian looks amazing as well, with a few different materials making up the model. With how much detail they are able to fit into these, we really can’t wait for them to come out! Plus with them making characters, who knows, maybe soon you can supersize a Kill Team board and just play with these!

3dartguy ruler cropLast Day To Get The Sci-Fi Ruler Miniature!

Basically, everything on this is just so spot on and we can only imagine how wild the final product will look.

Captain & Assualt Squad

Joytoy wave 2 2As we’ve come to expect, the detail is spot on once again and the face sculpt is so crisp. The power fist looks to be the right scale and honestly, we will basically have to pick these up just because they look so good.

Joytoy wave 2 3This little pose right here shows you just how much articulation these are going to have. You can even make them kneel before you in all your power! Don’t worry though, it’s not all Imperial scum this time around.

Chaos Space Marine

Joytoy wave 2 4Finally, they are venturing away from the good guys! Chaos doesn’t get nearly enough love when compared with the Space Marines, but this looks just as crisp and detailed as all the others. This is the only one spotted for CSM, but that doesn’t mean they won’t get a whole squad.

We expect they will release them as they did with the first wave of Space Marines. Then, who knows, maybe another few months after that, they will actually come out with some characters for them!

All The New Space Marines Action Figures

Are you excited for what looks to be wave 2 of the JoyToy Space Marines and Chaos Action Figures? Will you be picking these up when they come out?

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