New Law Enforcement Units From Artel W Miniatures

artel W marksmen

Come and see how Artel W miniatures is bringing law & order back to tabletops across the globe with these new LEU models and units.

Bring order to your next tabletop project with these new releases from the hobby maniacs at Artel W Miniatures.

L.E.U. – Marksman: $13.49

LEU Artel W


Law can be brutal – or precise. Can be public – or hidden. Can be merciful – or deadly. Marksmen of L.E.U. brings fast and unforeseen death, supporting their comrades on duty.

Miniature for wargames, collecting and roleplaying. Consists of 10 parts, including optional heads and cloak.

Sculpted by Stepan Kotlyarov.

L.E.U. – Assault Squad (Male enforcers): $44.99

LEU Artel W

They are the LAW! Behave, citizens, or feel the heavy hand of the Law, deadly bullet of the Law, burning flame of the Law and all other stuff of the Law. There will be Order, or there will be bodies – and Order. They are Expendables, could be, but they are awesome, stylish… and the LAW! And now they have K9 Cyberdogs! Of the Law.

Sculpted by Stepan Kotlyarov

L.E.U. – Assault Squad (Female Enforcers): $44.99

LEU Assault Squad


They are the LAW! Tough, trained and capable to control rioting crowds – with lethal force, if necessary. Mad gangers, aliens, murderous robots, living dead – they saw it all. And they prevail – in the name of the Law!

Sculpted by Stepan Kotlyarov

These new miniatures would be a great addition to any lawless sci-fi miniatures game. Make sure you visit Artel W Miniatures and secure your set today!