The New Lion El’Jonson Box Set Leaked & It’s Kinda Meh!

new-lion-el-johnson-miniature-primarch-warhammer-40kThe new Lion El’Jonson miniature box set has been spotted on the internet, and some people are saying it’s really not very exciting…

We saw the model previewed at AdeptiCon, and people were pretty pumped to actually see him, as he’s been rumored for 40k for years and years now.

The New Lion El’Jonson Miniature Warhammer 40k Box Set Spotted

UPDATE: Games Workshop confirmed the new box set below, and that Lion El’Johnson would be released as an individual box soon as well!

One question that a lot of you have is how to get hold of this incredible model. The Warhammer Community Interrogator-Chaplains have been able to extract an answer to that: the Lion will be available for the first time alongside a retinue of three Bladeguard Veterans and two pieces of special edition artwork – one a duel with Angron and the other a heroic pose.

If you don’t manage to get him in this box, don’t worry. He’ll be out on his own soon enough – just like the foul xenos commanders of the Orks and T’au, when they break out of their Boarding Patrol boxes.

Lion El'jonson box confirmed

These leaked box pictures come from Bolter and Chainsword, but are all over the internet at this point.

While you’ll get a new Primarch (which is fantastic), judging by the comments, the rest of the box may be a bit… bland.

Lion El'jonson boxThe box front is pretty brooding, which is quite fitting for the Dark Angels! It’s also a bit of a throwback to the limited edition “Dark Vengeance” box set for 6th Edition Warhammer 40k from 2012 as well.

Dark Vengeance limited edition 6th edition warhammer 40k box set

As you can see on the bottom left, it says four miniatures which immediately gave us triumvirate vibes.

Lion El'jonson box 2

Then the big contents reveal on the back of the box are at first exciting. However, once hobbyists realized those are just the normal Bladeguard Veterans painted in Dark Angels colors, online comments went downhill fast.

Lion El'jonson box 3Compared with the normal Bladeguard, the “Lion Guard’ look to be the same models (as the torsos and even one of the poses all match the box images.) Two are just built with different posing, and all of them have new paint jobs to match the Dark Angels, with no chapter-specific bits at all!

The Lion is an excellent model, but it seems like everyone would rather have him in his own box at this point!

Times are tough out there, and this will undoubtedly raise the box’s price as Roboute Guilliman is already $70 on his own, so we don’t expect The Lion to be any cheaper. Factor in a box of Bladeguard that go for $60; we would not be surprised to see the first release of The Lion go for close to $100-$115.

Lion El'Jonson Warhammer 40k

If you already have Bladeguard, this is quite expensive for just one model you want, but who knows how long it will be till he’s released on his own. Either way, it feels like they could have done something remarkable for this box and gone with custom Lion’s Guard models or even some cool new Deathwing!

Regardless, get ready to spend a little more for the new Lion El’Jonson miniature on day one than expected.

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