New Miniatures GW Doesn’t Want You To See

By Rob Baer | July 24th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

tau cigar one fire warrior

Games Workshop may have won the copyright battle, but lost the overall war for design rights to the grim dark. Come see some amazing new miniatures that are making the rounds lately.

From Obliterators to Sisters of Battle, and even those fishy aliens, Wargame Exclusive miniatures looks to have you covered when it comes to customizing your army!

Checkout just a small selection of resin goodness for sale over on their website:



ORK-BIONIC-ARM-Fist-R Wargame Exclusive Pin-Up-Commissar-1 Wargame Exclusive s1 Wargame Exclusive slaanesh marine female 21 CWarHAlt14


Wow I’m sold. I can’t wait to see what else they’ll have available in the future!

-Gamers set the demand!